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Stress Fishes

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  • SRC Member

Hi everyone, i am encountering somthing which i cannot understand for some time.

Ever since i move my tank back from my hostel, my fishes seems fine. But every morning when i wake u my fishes colour will look pale seems like they are stressed by something.

Then are a while the colour will return and they will start to come out. And they will stay like that all the way. Until i switch off every light at night the process repeats again.

the funny thing is if i nap in theafternoon and switch all the lights including the room lights, they wont show the above symtoms. it only happens overnight. (i need to add that if i nap in the noon my room is also in complete darkness almost the same as at night)

Could it be the tempreture change? as i switch on air-con at night. But usually i will switch on aircon for 2+hr befor ei switch off lights cos i doing stuff so the tempreture shld be ok and during this time the fishes all look fine.

Sorry for the long post hope someone can tell me whats is going on.....

Many thx.

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Its a normal phenomenon as fishes do become pale to camouflage themselves from predators. Nothing much to worry about :lol:

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Yes bro, it's normal. During the noon when you switch off the lights they won't turn pale it's because there are still lights (sunlight), unless your room is as dark as night time. But during the night is different. Complete darkness. My fishes all turn pale too when they just woke. :lol:

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