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Cow Fish ...

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  • SRC Member

They are more towards vegetarian.. try seaweed and spirulina supplemented food.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

Think they also eat small shrimps so can try frozen mysis.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member
r they suppose to be hardy ?

no.. very big NO.. very good ich detector if you need one..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

becos they are also one of those easily to get itch...might be the first of the whole lot in ur tank and subsequently..it might make the others itch too...and similar to box fish..they releases posion when stressed...

correct me if i'm wrong....

Henry Tan


3x1.5x1.5 2.5x1x1.5


1xfire clown/ 1xyellow boxer

1xpercular/ 1xcoral beauty

1xboxer/ 2xfire shrimps

1xcoral beauty/ 2xfalse clowns

2xhawk fish/ 1xane crab

1xyellow tail damsel/ 2xcleaners

3xturbo snails


1xtomato clown

Set up.....

Sump - Done

DIY Cabinet - Done

DIY Overflow Pipe - Done

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  • SRC Member
becos they are also one of those easily to get itch...might be the first of the whole lot in ur tank and subsequently..it might make the others itch too...and similar to box fish..they releases posion when stressed...

correct me if i'm wrong....

yup yup.. but regarding the toxin part is very subjective. If you have a good flow or big tank, it will not affect.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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