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Calcium Reactor from Reef Maniac


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  • SRC Member

Impressed by the design & workmanship:

The bubble counter is nice and can be clipped (the white holder) anywhere depending on the cabinet constraint. The bubble is small and the incremental change in the count is relatively more stable compares to bigger bubble.

The transparent portion of the PVC (ie where water & CO2 as well as the recirculated CO2 is pumped into the chamber) allow the user to know if the pump is working or running dry

The maxijet consumes less electricity and produce little heat


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  • SRC Member

yeah looks gd.. is it easy to use? n is it exp? tx

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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  • SRC Member

The basic design of the reactor is the same as my older one from Coral Lab which is based on Korallin 1501.

Both my old & new reactors served my purpose well, except that I needed a bigger chamber to meet the demands of my hungry corals :lol:

The only difference between the new and older one is the add-on and facelift.


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  • SRC Member

Most of the reactors are easy to install.

The only "tricky" part is fine-tuning, ie the optimal bubble count that gives you the right PH that dissolves the required amount of Ca to meet the needs of your corals.

This fine-tuning and regular testing of water will take a few days until such time the readings are constant at your desired level

Generally, local produce is cheaper and the makers can be reached easily for servicing.

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  • SRC Member

The only difference between this design and Deltec is the base of the reactor chamber. For Deltec, its a cone-shaped which allows more fluidization. The rest is a replication. I think Joe has done a good job. Agree that local product is cheaper and support is easier.

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  • 1 year later...
  • SRC Member
anyone know if the flow rate of pump used Aqua Bee is 1000 litre or 2000 litre?

It is a great product. A very happy user here. I'm using one for abt 1 mth with an aquabee 2000I, which is 2000l/hr at 18W. I've managed to fine tune and it sits pretty and quiet.

I know I shd direct this question to Joe_P, ... what happens when the air in the bubble counter disappear... functionally it still works fine, only that when I first got it, there was half air/water inside the counter, now its all liquid.?

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It is a great product. A very happy user here. I'm using one for abt 1 mth with an aquabee 2000I, which is 2000l/hr at 18W. I've managed to fine tune and it sits pretty and quiet.

I know I shd direct this question to Joe_P, ... what happens when the air in the bubble counter disappear... functionally it still works fine, only that when I first got it, there was half air/water inside the counter, now its all liquid.?

I think it should be opposite. The bubble counter should be filled with full CO2 air instead.

I use to pump water into the bubble counter by connecting the CR inlet to the bubble counter until it is fully filled with water again. This will allow you to count the bubble. hope my guess helps ;)

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I think it should be opposite. The bubble counter should be filled with full CO2 air instead.

I use to pump water into the bubble counter by connecting the CR inlet to the bubble counter until it is fully filled with water again. This will allow you to count the bubble. hope my guess helps ;)

I agree. it should be the other way. after few months the water seems like

'evaporate' and need to top up water in the bubble counter.

wonder - u top up using tank water?? I use DI water.

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I agree. it should be the other way. after few months the water seems like

'evaporate' and need to top up water in the bubble counter.

wonder - u top up using tank water?? I use DI water.

I'm using DI water for evaporation but to top up the bubble counter, i use tank water that feeds into the CR.

I must agree that Joe's CR is really good/reliable CR IMO.

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