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  • SRC Member

Sea (salt) water is predominantly sodium chloride, with the chlorine (chloride) component being over 50% of the total composition of natural sea water.

However, the chlorine is sea water is there as the compound sodium chloride (NaCl), and is different to the chlorine (or chloramines) that is in our tap water to disinfect the water.

So, in answer to your question it would be normal for a sea salt manufacturer to list chlorine as an element in their product, but nevertheless we need to remove chlorine from the tap water we use in our marine tanks.

I hope that makes sense......

Real reefs don't have glass bottoms....(...think about it)

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  • SRC Member
Sea (salt) water is predominantly sodium chloride, with the chlorine (chloride) component being over 50% of the total composition of natural sea water.

However, the chlorine is sea water is there as the compound sodium chloride (NaCl), and is different to the chlorine (or chloramines) that is in our tap water to disinfect the water.

So, in answer to your question it would be normal for a sea salt manufacturer to list chlorine as an element in their product, but nevertheless we need to remove chlorine from the tap water we use in our marine tanks.

I hope that makes sense......

Thanks a lot! :)

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