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Peppermint shrimp clearance sale


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I have 20 pcs of captive bred peppermint shrimps for sale. Although the parents were marketed as L. wurdemanni and they do look like L. wurdemanni in reference books, there is a slight chance they might be a novel species. Check the link below and you would get what I mean.

These are below market size (<2cm) and thus are going for an attractive price of:

$14 per pc OR $24 for two. Please list your interest below. Collection will be in Kallang area.

Edited by MODERATOR#1

Always something more important than fish.


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I would like to have 2 - please also PM me the link and as well as the pictures of your peppermint shrimps. I need them to attack my Aiptasia as I was informed that there are some shrimps that looks like peppermint but do not attack aiptasia.

Thanks. (I just want to confirm)

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Kindly add to the list below. Thanks. Will ask my friend to pm you guys for collection.

1) shawncel - 4 pc

2) nightdust - 1 pc

3) jonathan - 2pc(pls pm me the link)

4) gunzo - 2 pc (need to c picts 1st !!)

please pm me the picts of the shrimps and the link too !!

need to see them to make sure they are the 'hungry for atapsia' peppermint :P

there's a few kinds of peppermint .. and not all of them will attack atapsia .. so really it's the luck of the draw .. their rate of consumption also dependent on where they are from .. :)

My last peppermint (2.5" size) kept my 3 footer clear of atapsia until it's demise (eaten by my tang during molting season :cry2: ) .. now it's atapsia heaven .. didn't even know I've got so much atapsia :erm:

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Kindly add to the list below. Thanks. Will ask my friend to pm you guys for collection.

1) shawncel - 4 pc

2) nightdust - 1 pc

3) jonathan - 2pc(pls pm me the link)

4) gunzo - 2 pc (need to c picts 1st !!)

please pm me the picts of the shrimps and the link too !!

need to see them to make sure they are the 'hungry for atapsia' peppermint :P

there's a few kinds of peppermint .. and not all of them will attack atapsia .. so really it's the luck of the draw .. their rate of consumption also dependent on where they are from .. :)

My last peppermint (2.5" size) kept my 3 footer clear of atapsia until it's demise (eaten by my tang during molting season :cry2: ) .. now it's atapsia heaven .. didn't even know I've got so much atapsia :erm:

Sorry all, btw what is atapsia :paiseh:

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2 other undescribed species of peppermints have been misidentified by scientists as L. wurdemanni in the past. Work is still undergoing on identifying the other 2 species. So in that respect, I can't really tell you guys what the exact species is. I can only say that the adults were purchased from a very established LFS. I have pmed you guys the information.

I've been told that some Indo-Pacific Lysmata species also take Aiptasia. I will double confirm this in future.

Always something more important than fish.


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Kindly add to the list below. Thanks. Will ask my friend to pm you guys for collection.

1) shawncel - 4 pc

2) nightdust - 1 pc

3) jonathan - 2pc(pls pm me the link)

4) gunzo - 2 pc (need to c picts 1st !!)

5) keetkeet - 2 pc (Die Aiptasia! Die!!)

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2 other undescribed species of peppermints have been misidentified by scientists as L. wurdemanni in the past. Work is still undergoing on identifying the other 2 species. So in that respect, I can't really tell you guys what the exact species is. I can only say that the adults were purchased from a very established LFS. I have pmed you guys the information.

I've been told that some Indo-Pacific Lysmata species also take Aiptasia. I will double confirm this in future.

thanks for the link!! that the article I read thats why the comment :P

Let are know when and where to Collect!!

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FuEl, do they live on anything else besides aiptasia? Heard many cases of peppermint shrimps missing after a while or when no more small enough aiptasia.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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Hi arcanehacker, peppermints are more than glad to eat other foods other than Aiptasia. Contrary to popular belief, the shrimps don't get immune to the sting by Aiptasia unlike clownfish with anemones. Each time they work on one, they get stung. Bigger aiptasia should be macerated somewhat to reduce their potency such that peppermints would be more willing to work on them. As for their disappearance, most probably they got eaten (by fish, other crustaceans, geckos, and possibly even by giant aiptasia which they thought they could handle :ph34r:). Aiptasia stings are stronger than those by tube anemones.

Anyway, thanks for the support people. The 20 shrimps are all reserved. Thread closed. :)

Always something more important than fish.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have contacted you guys who have reserved the shrimp. I have put Aiptasia in and it's an affirmative that they go for it. Still interested please contact me asap within the next 2 days if not I'll put them up on first come first serve basis. Need to lower the bioload of my tanks. :thanks:

Always something more important than fish.


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can advise on conditions for keeping this shrimp?

Make sure nothing can eat them and they should do fine. They only live for 12-18 months so its good to get young shrimp. The shrimps I have are 4 months old. :)

Always something more important than fish.


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