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  • SRC Member

Hi there! :lol:

Yes, nudibranchs love to "para-glide" from the top of ur tank to other parts of the tank, letting the current carry them over distances. very graceful look! :lol:

Can you post a picture of the nudibranch? :lol:

Well, nudibranchs are time-bombs, and most ppl (who bought these pretty things) ended up starving them to death (becuz they cannot find the food that nudibranch feed on) or having these nudibranch die tragically (physical harm). Nudibranchs that suffer from physical bodily harm will release toxin that will harm the immediate surroundings of itself, so as to irritate away watever fishes thats disturbing it. Its usual bright colors also warns fishes to "stay away or else..." ;)

There are also types of nudibranch (not as nice looking) that feeds off your Zoos, so Zoo-Keepers (opps, pun unintented) hate them! :evil:

If it gets sux into ur pump head and comes out from the other end... erm... toxic! :evil:

So after reading the above, if you feel like giving up this nudibranch, dun kill it or throw it away! Put it up for adoption :


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