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Gonioporas produce toxins enough to kill mice!

Achilles Tang

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Not to alarm everyone, but pls wash your hands after touching gonios... and don't lick your hands!

They have been found to produce toxins that can kill hundreds of mice with one small colony.

For the long story, read this

article on High Levels of Toxicity in Goniopora and Other Hard Corals .

For the short story, read on:

We used to know that soft corals aren't compatible with hard corals because they produce metabolites that kills or inhibit hard coral growth... now a recent study has shown that hard corals also produce metabolites of their own.

Gonios apparently top the list of being the most toxic one... even enough to kill a Galaxea! Of course, stinger-wise, I think the Galaxea is the winner.

Also Favias and Pavonas also are in the list of hard corals that produce high levels of metabolites.

This information supports the cause for frequent water changes to dilute not only high levels of DOM, NO3, heavy metals but also coral metabolites... so those lazy reefers who proudly say that their tank water hasn't been changed for a year but wonder why certain corals don't seem to do well.... there's no more excuse!

Happy Reefing!

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  • SRC Member

Frankly, I dont understand how those guys can tahan not changing their water regularly; imagine you're the coral or fish in the tank, and the water dat u LIVE in is the same, not matter wat has been put into the tank (waste, chemicals, dirt, the owner's hands!)...

Just the thought of dat makes me reach for the salt mix and mix mix mix...


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