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Starting a 150g

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Hi all,

I'm a newbie here and a newbie in reefkeeping as well (2 years). I've been hanging around reefcentral but i shud have been in this forum earlier.

I can relate to most of the equipment discussed here and i feel so at home (unlike in other forums where Rio, Seio and AragAlive are talk of the town (forum?)

So rather than having a 150g thread shared with ppl from other continents (i'm a bruneian, not s'porean) , i'd share my progress here!

i have a 90g running for a year plus but i've donated all livestock from it to friends since i just got married and wudnt have the time to care for fishies. now that im safely settled i'm gona pick the hobby up again.

but instead of settling with my old rig, i've custom made a new 150g 5x2x2 and due to arrive next week.

The plan is to have a basic sump cycle, with an external wave-generator plumbed from the back + a few powerheads

I just bought new lighting : 1 xMH 250w + 2 VHO T8 actinics hood. and throw in 4 x 54w T5 running on ice-caps.

the setup is to have all the highly photosynthetic inverts (SPS, derasa) center of the tank where the MH will shine brightest and leave the edges for mushroom and polyp colonies. perhaps a big colony of chili corals!

sandbed is 2inch mixture of grade 0 and grade 3 gravel and LR is around 50kg (light amount cos i want to do island aquascaping)


altho im going thru this slow, i am somehow excited to see the tank be filled with corals and a few derasas.

fish load wud be light and only reserved for the fishes i will get:

1 sailfin tang

1 yellow tang

1 flame angel

1 mandarin (from old tank)

1 royal gramma

1 scooter/l.mower blenny

1 true percula

and thats definitely it.

the inverts wud be leathers, moonstones, bubbles, xenia (i used to have a big colony, lovely), hammers, frogspawns, elephants ears, shrooms and polyps, 1 or 2 derasa, carpet anemone (the last addition to the set), SPS, montiporas and acropora (just a few, cos im not a really big fan of them).

will be using a Resun CL650 chiller and Weipro 2013 (4?) skimmer. the one that runs 150g)

tank is custom-built with hood and cabinet. so pics will be there by next week i hope!

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YEah bro... it will be a lot easier for us to support you in the Members section. See you there :lol:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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