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Just Discovered Slug


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remove~~ and kill it!! haha..

tats wat i did lah.. once i saw one and i panicked.. took it out.. and slice it into tiny pieces using the small tongs... dunno why i jus find it disgusting mayb?

:sick::sick: That sounds more digusting...

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so... is a slug good or is it bad??

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  • SRC Member

Was told by LFS that it's ok to have slug in tank...bought it ...a few days later slug gotta suck into filter...tank crashed :cry2: realised that it was toxic.

Moral of the story Don't play with SLUT...I mean slug...hahaha

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Thanks for all your comments .... i will attempt to catch it and place into holding tank. Will be able to get a better picture of it then.

There is a comment on it being toxic....any suggestion on the handling during the attempt to catch it without it being a threat to the other tank mates?

Reliance :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
Was told by LFS that it's ok to have slug in tank...bought it ...a few days later slug gotta suck into filter...tank crashed   :cry2:  realised that it was toxic.

Moral of the story Don't play with SLUT...I mean slug...hahaha

it seriously depends. if you got a good flow system, it will not crash..

I had 2 white seahare, died and did not even affect my 2ft. If your flow and filtration is good.. highly unlikely a small slug will crash the tank.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

It does not produce toxin but stored the toxin from anemone when it(slug) consume it(anemone)...it's more for defence purposes. So, if the slug has yet to feed on any anemone, it should be safe...handle it my with bare hands before...no problem...anyway I do agreed with arcanehacker, good filtration should be able to prevent tank crash...my was not that good...


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