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WTS: Beckett Skimmer W Md 55 & waste collector

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I have just upgraded my skimmers to Deltec and Schuran skimmers thus selling the above.

The Beckett was purchased from Bio Ocean about one half years ago and has been working well for me. It is 2 and half feet high and has an 8 inch diameter chamber. Good for four to 6 feet tank. I have also just replaced the beckett with a brand new one which cost me $100. Those interested may contact me at 94558373 or 81831618. My place is near Bukit Batok.

Am selling all three items for $400. See picture below.


wee jin


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  • SRC Member

Great px weijin bro... wld get it from ya but I've already overspent liao :lol: ... upz for ya

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

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DeZ aka Desmond

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  • SRC Member


beckett skimmer for $100? must be a joker.. <_<.

His replacement beckett head is already $100. How can he sell it at that price?

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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i sold my 6 inch diameter and 24 inch height beckett forr 300.

but i did have my share of !#$!#!. Ppl offer to buy it at 80-100 dollars.

How would ppl expect your skimmer (a nice model btw) to cost a hundred... OMG...

let me put a joke here. I offer twice of what the joker did. 2oo.


hope that in the future if i sel my HnS (1500L) i don face such a problem...of 100s...


upz for u btw

I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry i have been busy with work the last few weeks and have not been able to revert properly to the few people who had indicated interest. So am opening the offer for sale again. This time my price is $300 for the Beckett skimmer and waste collector. Kindly call or sms me at 81831618 if interested. Thanks.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice skimmer bro, is it still avaliable? In-sump or out-sump? Thinking of upgrading my tank. :D

3.5ft X 2 ft X 2.5 ft

Deltec Protein Skimmer AP 600 - Eheim Compact 1000

Deltec - NF 509

Teco RA 640 Chiller - Aqua-Bee UP 2000i Aquarium Pump

Aqua-Bee UP 7000 Aquarium Pump - return

Skimz Fluidized Reactor- Aqua-Bee UP 2000 tee off to NF 509 and CR

DE Lightings 8 x 39watts

Turbelle stream Kit TS07

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