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Being accused for STEALING !!!


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Agree with sis cityofangels,if you give pple some respect,you shall get back the same amount of respect...bro borinz the decision is yours on whether to go back to the shop again ;)

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I am sad to hear about the shabby and distasteful way in which the staff treated both you and your gf. What made it worse was the fact the staff could not even offer a sincere apology. I totally understand your frustration, bro..

If I were you, I would not frequent the place anymore. But that's just me.. My mentality is that if you respect me, I will offer you the same level of respect.

Take it easy, bro.. :):peace:

thanks for understanding. i juz wan fellow reefers here to know tat there r this kind of staff there and becareful u might juz be the next one being eyed on. whether i will frequent the place next time depends on the boss tomorrow when i go down. or should i juz not go there anymore coz the boss might juz side his staff??

i really hope the staff know his manner towards customers is wrong and this will affect not only him but also the shop as he is part of it. with this kind of staff, choosy customers like me might juz become a suspect in their eyes. even though i am a regular there... :(

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maybe next time can install some corals scanning machine

like those baggage security scanning machine

that are located at airport and tuas causeway..

employ some cisco police also can .... lol

The high tech fish farm of the future""""

Back to common sense

Who want to get into police case just because of

some corals that are worth as low as 6 bucks to the max 100 bucks

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  • SRC Member

Borinz, I feel sorry for the bad experience you and your GF encounter. NO livestock or corals are worth the terrible experience you two went through. Give a wide berth away from that lfs. Life is so stressful as it is, why must tolerate such lfs?

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Even if he/ she wanna search your bag, they should still seek your approval 1st and it should be you or your GF to take out things from your bag to let them see/ check and they should never lay thier hands into your bag as it's oso as good as stealing! :angry:

Given me, if they wanna make a big hoha, call the police in and let them settle it! I will boycott the LFS since it's not the only one ard! <_<

Anyway, thanks for sharing with us your incident with such "ah beng" style LFS!

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In the first place if i don't steal and they wana cheeck my bag , ok after they had check and found nothing it my time to call the police and later i will follow up with my lawyer letter.

juz wondering, if the sales person of any shop wishes to search any customer's bag, are there like any laws or privacies being infringed upon, from the legal point of view?

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Ok, here are some pointers :

(take note of all the capital letters)

1) When shopkeeper suspected you of shoplifting, they have the RIGHTS to STOP YOU FROM LEAVING their store, and ONLY ASK to check your bag.

2) Under such circumstances, as a customer, cooperate by opening your bag and let them SEE. You have got nothing to hide, open the bag graciously so they have a clear look. Under no condition can they be allowed to go thru your personal belongings by force and against your wish.

(Note that checking bag is different from body search. I wun comment on this here)

2b) Should you refuse to let them check, they will have to invite you to go into their office to take a seat, they will have to call in the police if they failed to persuade you to let them check.

3) Should you refuse to let them check and attempts to leave the store by force, then they will usually exercise FORCE on you to make you stay. Such a move will only aggravate matters and things might turn ugly. If a person got nothing to hide, he/she do not have to insist on leaving in a hurry. The police is usually called in thereafter.

(Just a side note: The standard timing after dialling 999 to request for an officer to come to the scene is under 08 mins. The Singapore Police Force has attained this standard. )

(the below is not advisable and not necessary: it wastes lotsa time and makes life difficult for many ppl)

4) Either parties have the RIGHTS to call the police. If you are innocent and just do not like the attitude of the shopkeeper and the manner in which he/she approaches you to check, plus you got loads of free time. You CAN insist on not letting them check and asking them to call the police. With that, HUG your bag tightly and find a place to sit down. If the shopkeeper forces to check your bag, hang on tight and endure the 8mins. The police officer will arrive in time to see you being bullied. You can sue them for assaulting you and you can name the police officer as your witness. The police officer will then be obliged to show up in court to give his statement.

5) If the shopkeeper leaves u alone while waiting for the officer to arrive. And after letting the police officer check to conclude you are really innocent, end of story. You would probably be cursed behind your back for wasting their time. More importantly, you might compromise the safety of others who might need that police officer more than you.

6) Note that most shopkeepers are not trained to handle shoplifting situations, and will usually use force on a person (be it innocent or guilty), to check his/her belonging. Even if you might know the legal procedures in theory, its hardly in practice outside. It might just happen and end of checking before you even have time to react.

(the above 6 points are paraphase from me legal class lecturer some years back, not made up by me. How true? I dunno. Sounds logical? I think so.)

In addition to point #5: If this happens, you are probably gonna get blacklisted in that shop.

bro borinz : dun let a individual case affect you so much, forgive and forget, it will make one feel more gracious. Go down there and buy something, then look at the boss in his face when paying up, he will probably feel bad that you have forgiven him and give u a discount. Cheers ya!

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well... u got a point there bro. i agree with u. dun wish to be blacklisted by them as they do brig in some good stuff which i wanted. maybe i should visit them some time again then buy somethings, looking at them when paying , making them feel bad. lolx. i doubt they'll check my bag again also. anyway thanks for ur advice bro. think i'll forgive n forget.



ps:but one more time this thing happen to me from the same shop, i'll makea hell mess out of it!! :off:

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  • SRC Member

Pardon me for my ignorance, is Ah Beng member of SRC? Can he say something about this situation...or at least talk to our offended bro...helps to smooth the situation... make it easier for our bro to forgive and forgot...

Love & Peace...or Love and Pissed :bow:

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btw who is the staff involved? Ah beng, ah pui or owner?

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
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  • SRC Member
hi jason

any small lionfish spotted over at ah beng



bro, your post sort of lighten up the mood here


anyway, hope the staff at ah beng will also learn from this incident, and not forcefully check customer's belongings in future

nice typeout work by Elune too

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well... u got a point there bro. i agree with u. dun wish to be blacklisted by them as they do brig in some good stuff which i wanted. maybe i should visit them some time again then buy somethings, looking at them when paying , making them feel bad. lolx. i doubt they'll check my bag again also. anyway thanks for ur advice bro. think i'll forgive n forget.



ps:but one more time this thing happen to me from the same shop, i'll makea hell mess out of it!! :off:

Borinz, are you alright? You still want to buy from them even though you kena "marked" from them already? Seriously? Why you want to appease them when it is they who wronged you! They've said they've been eyeing you for some time already, you don't get it? You are already a suspect the moment you went in that shop already! Don't spend your time and money at that lfs. You'll already lose out the moment the cash leaves your wallet. For sure there'll be no discount for you, like what some repeat customer are getting. Reconsider your stand! :o

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hmmm bro u also got a point there... but its only the particular staff lah.... i not sure abt others... still i am considering first lah...

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live and let live. grudges if you gonna hold on to them for long, you are not gonna be living happily bout it, and everytime you think bout it you gonna be upset. so why create such unnecessary discomfort to yourself? by distancing yourself away from that LFS juz simply put, tells them you are guilty as charged, even though its not true. Be gracious bout it, carry on as normal, and in the end, the people that loses out will be the LFS, especially that particular sales person. Who knows? a strong friendship might be fostered out of this incident? maybe discounts too? of course, make sure the boss is informed first. hahaa.

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In all fairness, maybe we should not just listen to one side of the story, or should we? ;)

There's no way to invite Ah Beng's staff to come online and give his fair piece of the story too and start something here, yet again.. can we? ;)

Perhaps you should not have even started this thread in the first place? No one else to consult other than the nicks behind the keyboards in this forum? Think about it... ;)

I completely understand your frustrations because after all, who loves to be accused for stealing? You can't be Winona Ryder... or are you?

Did you know Ah Beng has 3 kids and a sick mother to take care of? Just how much do you think this thread could have helped in his financial concerns? :snore:

SRC is a place for hobbyist and not for flame wars. If you think otherwise, pls move on.

Pls cooperate with the moderators to make SRC a better place for HOBBYIST


That just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,

doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

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so all of u think someone from ah beng shop should step out n say something/?

wat i have to say is he is plainly bullshitting!!!!!!

no forcing of checkin of bags....

was ask in a proper maner.....

bag was open herself....

maybe attitude for a sorry was nt to his satisfaction....

i dun look dwn on students, eventhough they r nt my customers.

another point of thought...how does fellow reefers here admire corals b4 purchasing?

taking it in n out....in n out....in n out.....???

viewing it front n back..front n back....front n back????

i doubt so.

So i think fellow reefers would like both side of stories to be heard.

y nt let our borinz bro speaks the truth n clearify 'ah beng's' name.

if 'ah beng' or his fellow workers r to be so unreasonable, i dun think anyone would enter the shop.

i do nt know how many reefers here shops at beng's shop.

how many of u have been checked....

out of so many ppl,it must b him.y?

for fun?laughter?peace and joy???

thn beng's worker must b f@$Kin free.

they can quit and become security guard instead.

i dun wish to blow this matter cos i think after a few comments, everything will b over. but....sigh...

by the way,thanks fellow reefers for givin so many comments.i really appreciate.sincerely.

but i really do wish,if u r to mke any coments, try understanding the situation first.wat u commented really hurts.

ya,s for borinz bro, thnks for that exciting piece of fairy tale.u can carry on writing.

but remember to notice all fellow reefers when will b the last episode.

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It's quite unbelievable that this thing actually happened. Their service is usually very very good. Unbelievable... makes me wonder if it is really true.............

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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so all of u think someone from ah beng shop should step out n say something/?

wat i have to say is he is plainly bullshitting!!!!!!

no forcing of checkin of bags....

was ask in a proper maner.....

bag was open herself....

maybe attitude for a sorry was nt to his satisfaction....

i dun look dwn on students, eventhough they r nt my customers.

another point of thought...how does fellow reefers here admire corals b4 purchasing?

taking it in n out....in n out....in n out.....???

viewing it front n back..front n back....front n back????

i doubt so.

So i think fellow reefers would like both side of stories to be heard.

y nt let our borinz bro speaks the truth n clearify 'ah beng's' name.

if 'ah beng' or his fellow workers r to be so unreasonable, i dun think anyone would enter the shop.

i do nt know how many reefers here shops at beng's shop.

how many of u have been checked....

out of so many ppl,it must b him.y?

for fun?laughter?peace and joy???

thn beng's worker must b f@$Kin free.

they can quit and become security guard instead.

i dun wish to blow this matter cos i think after a few comments, everything will b over. but....sigh...

by the way,thanks fellow reefers for givin so many comments.i really appreciate.sincerely.

but i really do wish,if u r to mke any coments, try understanding the situation first.wat u commented really hurts.

ya,s for borinz bro, thnks for that exciting piece of fairy tale.u can carry on writing.

but remember to notice all fellow reefers when will b the last episode.

so all of u think someone from ah beng shop should step out n say something/?

RES:bro i hope they'll step out to say something... but on the spot of clarification he was sresponding in a very bad manner to a customer...

wat i have to say is he is plainly bullshitting!!!!!!

no forcing of checkin of bags....

was ask in a proper maner.....

bag was open herself....

maybe attitude for a sorry was nt to his satisfaction....

RES:oh so u think i am bullshitting!! or r u the staff or wat?? if not how u know?? he opened my bag not as in really force but i know i cannot stop hin. i did tell and asked him to be sure for checking my bag... coz i can be sure i didn't steal anything....

i dun look dwn on students, eventhough they r nt my customers.

RES:maybe its my perception. but why i have this perception is all because of his attitude....

another point of thought...how does fellow reefers here admire corals b4 purchasing?

taking it in n out....in n out....in n out.....???

viewing it front n back..front n back....front n back????

RES:i think different customers have different ways they wish to check out the corals before buying.... i didn't take out of the tank... the corals r so close together so maybe sometimes i have to shift bit to see... can u confirm that all the corals r in good condition?? if u were a customer wouldn't u like to check out the corals before buying??

i doubt so.

So i think fellow reefers would like both side of stories to be heard.

y nt let our borinz bro speaks the truth n clearify 'ah beng's' name.

RES:i dun mind going down to clarify the issue again... i can confirm i'm speaking the truth and if not y can't they find anything on me?? or y muz i be so pissed off?? i always goes to the shop, checking out the corals in the same way...

if 'ah beng' or his fellow workers r to be so unreasonable, i dun think anyone would enter the shop.

RES:for this i dun think i am interested to know if others would wan to go into the shop... but now in this thread i was referring to the particular staff only... did i say ALL their staff was not good??

i do nt know how many reefers here shops at beng's shop.

how many of u have been checked....

out of so many ppl,it must b him.y?

for fun?laughter?peace and joy???

RES:ok then do i need to know who else had been checked?? do u think i care?? yes u can check but pls in a proper manner... like i said, i already told him i have nothing but he still insisted on checking.... so when asked for clarification, why muz he response in a bad manner?? he muz have know that he accused me n he still replied in such bad manner.

thn beng's worker must b f@$Kin free.

they can quit and become security guard instead.

RES:if u know that you r not that free... juz talk in proper manner n resolve the misunderstanding.... u all should know that being accused is not that good too... if u r so sure that i stole, then check something out of my bag! and y didn't u search anything out??

i dun wish to blow this matter cos i think after a few comments, everything will b over. but....sigh...

RES:yes u THOUGHT only... u PMed me saying that dun wan to 'mah lu' me. but u think i care after being accused with such manner?? and wat u commented me is that I'M BLACKLISTED at most lfs! wat makes u think so??! Do u go lfs with me?? or do u know me?? how much do u know of my history? r u out to flame me??

by the way,thanks fellow reefers for givin so many comments.i really appreciate.sincerely.

but i really do wish,if u r to mke any coments, try understanding the situation first.wat u commented really hurts.

RES:thanks for the fellow reefers here for understanding my situation. and i think as customers like me being accused also not fair. i juz wish that staff would apologies in proper manner n ended up he speaking to me i a bad manner.

ya,s for borinz bro, thnks for that exciting piece of fairy tale.u can carry on writing.

but remember to notice all fellow reefers when will b the last episode.

RES: oh so u thinking that its a story huh... sure i'll be writing coz i dun think i am being treated fairly by u... do u think if he had not done anything to me, i'll be tat free to start this thread?? if he had apologise in a proper manner , i would let the matter rest already.... and pls dun be sarcastic. i am being seroius here.

Is it so difficult to apologise in a proper manner especially u r doing business here. U should know u have wrongly accused someone n its ur customer who had bought stuff from u. if i hadn't bought any lifestock from him, i would had called the police to clarify too... but i know if i do this my lifestock(feather duster) cannott last coz it going to take few hours. i am trying to save a lifestock rather than wasting time on this issue. i am only posting here for clarifaction from pple like U(might be staff coz u know quite alot). and also asking should i still support them or go back and ask the boss for better clarification coz he is not there. i really feel being accused badly as i often go there... even i didn't really buy rare things from them, i still bought quite alot of fishes n equipment fom them b4...

so bro i hope u make things clear before accusing me again for making up stories. all the while i have been quiet in this forum only for this time coz i am being accused.... u think i really wan to be that famous?? or should u think i have nothing better to do??? me too wan to enjoy reefing...

i juz wish this issue to stop as i have decided not to support their shop for the time being... but if needed clarification from the boss i'll make my way down when free. i sincerely do not wish to spoil his business. but maybe its only that particular staff....

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yah and if moderators think its good to close this thread then do it... thanks for fellow reefers' help, clarifications and advices....

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