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Journey of my current tank


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After trying out on a 2 ft tank for a year, I finally converted my 4X2X2 pleco tank into a marine tank in Sep 2001.

I started with an Ehiem canister 2028 and kept mostly fish and softies. My entire stock of fish (except YT and damsels) crushed twice during this era due to ich and I lost many expensive fish. After many months of reading and trying, my tank slowly matured and I moved slowly to LPS and fewer fish. Equipment like skimmer and lights were also up graded. Lights changed from FL to PL. Finally, I decided to change my whole system to a sump ###### refugium type in preparation for SPS. I made my change with a original I-box and self-designed sump in early 2003. MH of 2 X 150W sakis were also added.

The operation took me a whole weekend and with the help of Henry, completed. I lost some livestock during the op but is finally on the way to SPS.

A month later, I discovered my supporting foam thinning to a dangerous level and did a rescue. I dismantled everything, lifted up the tank and put in 2 pieces of foam. In the process more fish died. One week later, I discovered the foam is of poor quality and the tank tilted. Another emergency operation took place and this time I used industrial foam to be super safe. With more experience, this time casualty rate was low. Even my anthias remained alive. Most recent addition was to change my lights to 1X 150w 20k saki plus 1X blueline 400W 10K. Then, the SPS stocking began....

This is tank pic in Jan 03


I think (marine) therefore I am

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Present tank look in Oct 03...6 months since turned to sump system. Did more landscaping, added SPS, change lights, added tunze etc.

Lots of space for more addition. Also leaving space for floridas and mushies to colonise the left tower.


I think (marine) therefore I am

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WOW  tank of the month

Don't joke can.....it is chicken compared to the others.

but why the refugium is empty?

This was what it looks like back in April. Now, it is fully stocked with algae, pods, newly spawned tubeworms and newly spawned turbo snalis. :P

I think (marine) therefore I am

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nice tank...love those anthias and the fish I have been looking for a long time....sunburst anthias..... :lol:

like the green monti....veri nice...PR?

a very reefy looking when I see the anthias....like diving (if I have tried) :rolleyes:

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green monti....veri nice...PR?

Yes it's from PR's first shipment. The small one I got for a higher price on the second day of its arrival. The big one I got it at half price 2 weeks later. It was partially dead and I snapped those parts away. Now, it has recovered completely and even grew thicker. Really like it.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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wooooowwwww :ooh::shock::shock::shock: your tank changed SO much since the last time... really very nice especially the pics with almost off your fish together! tell us the LS quick! :lol::lol:

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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Some tank specs:

Tanks: 4X2X2X2, 10mm thickness with central and euro bracing on sides

4" DBS with No 1 sand

Stand: Steel coated with epoxy paint plus diy cabinet

Filtration: - Large I-box

- 20g sump with 4" DSB (no 0 and 1 mixture sand)

- wool, polyfilter, ceramic ring, coral chips, phosguard

- refugium over DSB

Chiller : Teco 680

Curculation: Ehiem 1060, Tunze 6080

Skimmer : Prizm (next one to change)

Live Rock: Over 50kg, stacked on acrylic stands

Ammonia : 0

Nitrite : 0

Nitrate : 30ppm

Calcium : 480ppm

Salinity : 1.025

KH : 11-12

Lightings: 1 X 150W 20K saki (for LPS tower)

1 X 400W 10K blueline (for SPS tower)

1 X Zoomed Actinic (for fun viewing)

1 X 36W 10K PL (refugium)

Photo period: MH from 3.30pm to 11.30 pm (8 hrs)

Refugium from 11.00 pm to 7.00pm (20 hrs)

Corals: Octo branches (2)

Alveopora (2)

Metalic red mushroom

Purple mushroom

Red stripped mushroom

Lumi green mushroom

Red tip yuma

Orange/multi coloured florida ricordea (4 pieces)

Fox coral

Fingers/leather (3)

Elephant ear (2)

Bubble (1)

Lumi green star polyps

Oval mushroom (2)

tubeworm (white/purple)

Coco worm (red)

Clams : Maxima (2)

Crocea (2)

Inverts : Boxer shrimp(1)

Cleaner shrimp(2)

Blood shrimp (2)

Turbo snails (many)

Black cuke (1)

Orange linkia Star (1)

Green Linkia Star (1)

Fish : Ventralis anthias (1)

Barlett anthias (1)

Dispar anthias (4)

Tri-colour anthias (2)

Sunburst anthias (1)

Yellow Tang (1)

Hippo Tang (1)

Powder Blue Tang (1)

Kole Tang (1)

Sunrise Dottyback (1)

Strawberry Dottyback (1)

Flame Angel (1)

Scooter Blenny (1)

Bi-colour Blenny (1)

Orange strip goby (1)

Hikehikers: crabs, worms, nudibranch, pistol shrimps.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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