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my 6 fts tank w/3 face crystal clear glass


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Dear Frens,

Managed to place in the tank yesterday, today will install piping. I can't see must different with the crystal clear glass cause I ve not install the light. However, I'll let you guys know once I install the lighting in. I'll try to run in water today. I wish to use my DI water to drip into the tank but I don't know how long it will take to drip a 6 fts tank? By the way, all the fishes in my fibre tank already die. Luckily, my coral is not keep at home, if not I think it will face the same problem. I wait up very early this morning cause the whole night my mind was all into how to set up the tank today. As such, I did not sleep well ;) , keeping marine really spend time & money :cry2: ,,, Do you guys agree?


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Wow....nice tank...how I wish my Minister of home affairs would approve sucha project...

That's true...marine does cos A LOT!!!!! I thought I could spend less than SGD1k to set up my tank when I bought my 2nd hnad set-up....but OMG.....my expenditure so far is about SGD2.5k and it is still increasing time to time...hahahaha..

Looking forward to your pics...

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  • SRC Member
Wow....nice tank...how I wish my Minister of home affairs would approve sucha project...

That's true...marine does cos A LOT!!!!! I thought I could spend less than SGD1k to set up my tank when I bought my 2nd hnad set-up....but OMG.....my expenditure so far is about SGD2.5k and it is still increasing time to time...hahahaha..

Looking forward to your pics...

Ha, now everyone use this word "Minister of home affairs".

Does Minister of home affairs always = Spouse or even our parent :P:P:P

Big nice tank ;)

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  • SRC Member

Is that a Schuran Jetskim 200 in your sump? If yes welcome come to the schuran family :D if not still welcome you to the never ending spending hobby :lol::D:P

Interesting sump you have there. Any chiller in mind and where you plan to place it ??? :rolleyes:

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Hi Frens,

Just free now to updates you guys again. Very stress & tire. I realise if you want to set up a fren :evil: , make him/her a hobby for marine especially reef tank with LPS/SPS corals :lol:

Yes, my skimer is chulan J200. I'm currently using Reef Relief Titanium. I'm now considering of changing to Artical comercial half horse power. Still $$$ :upsidedown: Spend too much liao :cry: I've another angel tank, may be can tranfer the RL to angel tank & use Artical for reef coral tank. :peace: I'm going Indo tomorrow to close a big order, wish me good luck :bow:


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  • SRC Member

Nice unique white tank, by the way, 6ftx?x?.

I believe you will be using MH light, so, How do you plan ventilate at the top?, it seems to be all closed up .

Cheers for you, for the never ending money spending hobby.

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  • SRC Member

y not consider getting Artica 1HP for ur tank.. even 1/2 HP might not be sufficient.

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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