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Selling Moonlight


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Someone named Edwin of 9XXX1827 ordered a moonlight but later went MIA.

I tried repeated to contact him but he refused to respond.

So, here I am, offering a brand new moonlight which was original S$60 at S$40.


- 10 bright blue LEDs

- Encased in water-resistant casing

- Comes with power adaptor.

- New small form factor

- Good for min 2 feet and above




Anyone interested, please PM me. Thanks

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hi there bro liverock,

is it possible for you to take a closer picture of the actual moonlights? id like to see the outer casing that encases the light strip. is it the cylindrical acrylic tubing that is sold in sim lim? those are nice. also, what watt LED bulbs are used? and do you know their brands?

thank you


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  • SRC Member

Someone named Edwin of 9XXX1827 ordered a moonlight but later went MIA.

I tried repeated to contact him but he refused to respond.

So, here I am, offering a brand new moonlight which was original S$60 at S$40.


- 10 bright blue LEDs

- Encased in water-resistant casing

- Comes with power adaptor.

- New small form factor

- Good for min 2 feet and above




Anyone interested, please PM me. Thanks

bro.. if 4feet can use not? got stand? :thanks:

Buying 2x2x2 tank cabinet with sump :) pm me!

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Hi iantoh

The 2 feet one I letting off is for 2 feet to 3 feet. The pictures I attached were 1 feet version.

The 2 feet version is the same but longer.

The moonlight I do is not using "the cylindrical acrylic tubing that is sold in sim lim"

Mine is sealed so to prevent water from getting it.

Each bright blue LED is protected by a quality resistor from over-current.

It also comes with a power adaptor so it is just plug and play.


PS: It is sold but if any whould be interested, I can do new ones.

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Hi davwong & davidluvfishes

You got PM

Hi alanysw & gny

moonlight is lower in intensity and consist mostly of visible blue light.

Why blue? Because by the time the weak light of the moon reaches to the animals in the sea, it is blue in colour. Since we are only simulating the effects, we use blue directly instead of the pale white light of the moon.

By definition, Actinic light is light which produces an identifiable or measurable change when it interacts with matter. It is usually achieve in an aquarium tank by an actinic fluorescent tube. It is higher in intensity compared moonlight and may consists of UV.

Both try to achieve the blue chlorophyll absorption for zooxanthellae symbiosis to develop in the tank but moonlight is more suitable to be used in the night because of lower intensity and absence of UV. Also, the focus light of individual blue LEDs produces 'rippling effects' not present in tube-based actinic lamps.

gny, if one LED is faulty, it need to be replaced. It is not feasible or even impossible to repair a burnt LED.

Hope info helps!


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Pm me the price for a 4ft and how many moonlight will there be ;)

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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Hi guys

Sorry for slow response as I only check this forum once a day.

To answer some of the questions:


By the way, can the light penetrate deep enough to reach 2-and-a-half ft?

Yes, it does. In fact, if there is no obstruction, the sand bed will be dimly lighted.

It is interesting to see animals coming in and out of 'caves' built from liverocks. These 'caves' are complete darkness because the light doen't reach them and as the animals come out, it is like watching an actor coming into the limelight. Pretty interesting, well, at least for me :-)

2. Versions of moonlight

Years ago, the first version was a single unit consisting of a box and 6 LEDs.

These were cascadable; meaning you can diasy-chain more than 1 together.



In the second version, the box was eliminate and I tried to produce something that stretches across the tank to give more coverage. It was called the Moonbar



The 3rd version was called SlimMoon. Slimmer profile for smaller tanks. Only 1 feet version.



Well, the last type are the ones I am currently doing; also with MoonBar. These come only in 2 sizes; 1 feet and 2 feet.

For big tanks, I would recommend either

A) Use a single 2 feet moonlight and make sure you select a zone in your tank that you want moonlight to cover. This will bring animals who loves moonlight to this zone and also allow a place for animals who prefer total darkness to hide.

B) If you want to view your tank in its full glory even around 3 am without disturbing the inhibitants, you can try two or more units of 2 feet moonlights. Plan your zones carefully so it gives the best effect.


1 feet moonlight (suitable for 1 - 2 feet tanks)

- 5 LEDS

- Power Adaptor

- Over-current protection

- Sealed clear clasing

Price: S$30

2 feet moonlight (suitable for 2 feet and above tanks)

- 10 LEDS

- Power Adaptor

- Over-current protection

- Sealed clear clasing

Price: S$60

Since I am making these; I am open to other types of customisation such as putting more LEDs, mixing whites and blues LEDs, etc.

Thanks for all the enquires and orders.

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