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Where to get Nano Cube


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Agree with Marinesavy that taking the mrt/lrt is much easier if you wanna go to AM. Alight at Thanggam like bro colin said, after you alight from the lrt, go down the stairs to the 2nd level of the station. Exit the gate and on your left hand side, you'll see this little bridge. Cross the bridge, turn left and follow the path (with private housing on both sides). Right in front of you will be Jalan Kayu, turn right after you've passed the church. AM is just 2 shops away. Sounds complicated? :lol:

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thanks bros over here, i know where is it already.

i got a straight bus from my house. actually i staying at buangkok green area.

that a bus 103 from YCK road. and it goes to jalan kayu.

will be making a trip down later this afternoon.

wonder what time they open.

Patience is the most important things.

Research and research, actually i am thinking to go for a bare bottom surface.

not putting any sand.


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wah...reefer are very helpful in this forum. :)

right but 103 goes there... look for Janet. i got mine from her. However.. if you want to see a setup of difference jbj nano, go to tampines mall basement, they have the display tank of 24g, 12g and even the 6g version. Went down tampines last weekend, sad to see that the 24g tank almost three quarter crash. Algae invaded the whole tank.... :(

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Qxnviolet, you refer to the tampines 24g or my 24g ?

corals in the 24g in tampines almost gone, rest aren't opening too... i can see the sea pen cover with algae... fishes i think 3 of it still swimming around.

As for mine, not too bad, all my LPS and soft corals are quite healthy, except my PO4 is in a high side, button and zoo growing some green hairy algae. Have put in rowa to control the algae.

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Hehe, im referring to the TM one. Hrmz, guess they didn't bother and neglected their tank. Like that condition still dare to show to potential customers? :unsure: Anyway glad that your tank is doing well. Oh, i saw this 3FT setup @ a shop in s'goon going at $3500. Lousy tank, lousy LS, lousy corals and they still dare to put $3500! ZzzZzZ :snore:

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Qxnviolet, I think committment and time require to put in to stay a healthy tank, not to forget the $$$. At least for your tank, i am very impress :).

Ya, me saw the tank in Serangoon too selling 3500 for 3ft plus the setup... calculation think that it only worth less than 1500. Is the shop name "Rainbow", is near to petmart. I am surprise during that time whilst i was there, a couple actually wanted to buy the tank with all the setup, also they have 0 knowledge, what the guy said, they will agreed.. and the couple actually request them to service their tank every week.... wa lau.. don't setup the tank.. never mind, maintenance also don't want to do... this shows no committment.

Tampines also funny, is suppose to be a show case to convince customer to buy the tank, if they show this kind of setup... think nobody will even consider to get the cube at all. Guess business are bad and i believe the rental cause a bomb.

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I just bought a Nanocube 24G about 6 weeks ago from X shop in Tampines Mall for $800 with set up. Total bill came up to around $900 with all other necessities such as additives, fish food, etc. I guess I only have myself to blame as I was like a kid in a candy store and the beauty of the marine tank really captivated me. Bought one on impulse.

Did not do any homework. This is purely my own experience and wonder if any one else got the same experince. :sick:

Was told that I do not need chiller for marine tank (Nanocube). When the tank was set up initially, i.e. water, sand and rocks.. temperature was 29C at night even with air-con on. I realized I definitely needed a chiller if I wanted to keep hard corals.

About the set up, the rocks used in my tank fouled within days and the Y company sub-contracted to do the set up came down to remove the rocks and was never heard of again. He was supposed to replace the rocks for me as agreed before I went on an O/S trip. Did not answer call in spite of sms sent. X shop owner was notified but did not rectify the problem for me. I gave up on both X and Y company. Out of coincidence, I intended to visit the company who was doing my set-up in Pasir Ris and was shocked to find out that my Nanocube only cost $298 as Nanocube happened to be having a road show there then. I even returned the stand that cost $100+ FOC without any other demand!!

Hoping that I would get nicer corals/fishers as promised by the LFS owner, the after services I had gotten was rotten. "I'm attending to customers now, call you back", never did. It's like a hit and run biz. Set up not done properly, 5 days and tank supposed to be ready for fish, more than 10 and all to be put in on the same day! I wonder how many suckers like me got fooled? Was told he sold 4 sets on that Sunday alone.

Anyway, my tank fouled within 2 days and I was left with 3 ugly rocks in my tank. Ended up, no proper set up and no fish delivered, only frustration!! I thought it was fruitless to call X or Y any more as I found them to be unethical in giving misrepresentations to naive customers such as myself and their hit and run tactic.

In the end I got someone recommended by a LFS to set up the tank for me for another $200. Added a chiller as well, a Micro Teco that cost $850 and took 3 hours to hook up by the authorised dealer. Had to modify the hood. In total, I've spent almost $3K and I would have invested in a decent tank that would have all the prerequisites!!

I've been reading a lot on this forum (too late) and found out a lot of information about the prerequisites of my new hobby, e.g. chiller, skimmer, test kits, RO/DI water etc. It's just not possible to have a decent marine tank if you're serious in giving your fishes a healthy environment using a Nanocube unless you go through thorough modifications which defeats the purpose of buying the Nanocube in the 1st place, i.e. the aesthetic appeal. I have been changing the water once a week with RO water (also invested after reading posts in this forum) to make up for the absence of a skimmer.

I'm posting this message just to caution those who think that keeping a marine tank is really easy as promised by owners of LFS such as X shop. Don't end up a sucker like me.

As a businessman myself, I would never make a customer feel cheated like I did.

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wah.. what a sad story.. really feel :angry: to the X company in Tampines Mall. I believed that there another case which the reefer also pay this amount for the setup. At lease for his case is better since it deliver all the fishes and corals. For that prices, you might as well get a better tank, nano 24g doesn't cost that much.

As for myself, i survey and ask around before deciding to buy. The LFS told me it could maintain 29 degree, bullshit.. and of course my fault never think carefully, of course they maintain a temp of 29 because is a air-condition area, don't tell me that i need to on 24 hours air-con just for this tank, ###### my blood away.

In the end, invested on a second hand chiller, have to squeeze the tube in, no problem but flow abit slow.

really agree that need to study a system whether is a jbj cube or not before deciding to buy. Definitely i would say if one going to buy a jbj cube for $300 and expected to have corals, fishes etc without mod. that impossible. For those who pay $800+++ initially for this tank, i can only say sorry and :angry:

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After reading the earlier posts about the current poor tank condition of the Nanocubes in Tampines Mall, I must say that the picture speaks for itself. They were selling like hot cakes 6 weeks ago. They must have been newly set up and the corals were thriving with hardly any glimpse of algae and the tank was crowded with fishes. You have a list to pick 10 fishes from like a fast food menu. Now you know why I became a sucker.

I'm wondering what are the conditions of the Nanocubes that the other 3 bought on the same day as me. May be they are also "banging the head against the wall". :(

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Sad sad stories... I bought my NC from TM too. But only the tank and stand. Coz I have some previous freshwater experience... so I didn't really fall for the "no maintenance" story. I must say that the owner of Y company didn't really pushed me or whatever... I told him I only need the tank, and he said ok, and never mention the full setup again.

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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I was wondering if the JBJ filtration system that come with the package is it sufficient?

To answer ur question... yes and no.

Yes, if you just wanna keep some damsels, nemos, chromis and maybe a hermit (with LR)... can even keep zoos and mushrooms.

No, if u r looking at keeping tangs and exotic corals.

Again, it's a matter of how far you want to go... also how deep is your pocket. NC is ok for beginners... so perhaps you wanna consider this as an intro to the hobby and save up for a full setup 2 years later.

As a very rough guide, a decent 3ft with sump + full equiments + lighting + chiller can easily costs $2000 to $2500 (not even looking at pro/branded equipments). As a branded chiller alone will cost $2000 (for a 3ft + sump water volume).

So, since you mention u r a student... you may wanna wait and see... or start small and learn... or u can always read and learn from this forum till you save enough for a full scale assault. But again, having an intro tank is good coz u will tend to make a lot of newbies mistakes along the way... if you start big... u can end up making a lot of very $$$ mistakes.

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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A new tank with cabinet for $150? Good deal man!!!

Bro we r just trying to help... not forcing u to make a decision or something... but I just feel very sad u told me u might wanna wait coz the NC is too exp. Then got confused by some of our larger tank and then talk about 3ft setup. Then talk about IOS and sump tank... this hobby is all about enjoyment and I always believe in "big got big play, small got small play... they just play differently".

So don't just give up coz you were so full of enthusiasm at the beginning :heh:

Sump? Yes it's a good thing to have... but if you look at a lot of 2ft setup here, most of the doesn't have a sump tank and they still look very stunning... bro Hammy's for example. A good hang-on filter + protein skimmer is a good combo for a start.

But don't get a NC, coz you will find it very frustrating you cannot fit in a protein skimmer... which is the most important piece of equipment (besides circulation pump and lighting).

Do let us know your decision :)

Extra note:

Some bro here know that I always buy from the net. Reason? At least I end up buying what I wanted. 1 danger of walking into a friendly LFS is they will try to sell you things that is of highest profit margin to them. Running business is like that want lah (I will do the same also)... so you may end up buying things that is out of ur original intention. What I usually do is, I will decide what to buy before even visiting the LFS, so if they try to sell me orange, I nod... deep down I always know I want apple, not orange.

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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Dont need to get the most ex equipment also can enjoy this hobby. Many people here start off with Small, simple and cheap setups. So far so good. Only when u wanna start with expensive and more demanding corals then u need to pump in lots of cash. So for your first tank, i recommend u start small. Cos keeping marine is quite frustating at times. Sometimes u kena something then u feel like wanna give up. Using a small tank will help alot especially in the begining. When u get the hang of things, then plan for your upgrade.

Other than cash, Time is also another factor. Small tank = Small amount of time maintaining it.

Actually, 2ft can keep tangs, just make sure u buy a small specimen and beware of your bioload.

Just my humble advice.

If i were u, i would go for a nano cube, then when i'm more experienced/ Enthu, i'll upgrade. Just Like Jervismun, except slower on the upgrading part. :)

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Can i check with you do you know any way to connect a sump to a bare tank?if the tank doesnt have any hole for the piping?

any service available to do this like drilling a hole to make your tank to work with sump tank? And most importantly helping connect the piping.


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Agree with bro Alien 101%. Only wish I listen to him and upgrade slower... coz having a small tank is quite fun too. It's much more focus and more intimate, like a bonsai. Things are so much easier to photograph too :)

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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Can i check with you do you know any way to connect a sump to a bare tank?if the tank doesnt have any hole for the piping?

any service available to do this like drilling a hole to make your tank to work with sump tank? And most importantly helping connect the piping.


Must get professional to do or else nightmare later. Leakages can occur over time... unless u r damn good at DIY. Can be quite costly a process though if get well established professionals... so in the end whether it's money well spent.

You can also get retrofit overflow outlet. Some acrylic ones are very pretty. Tunze also has one, go check at reefdepot.com.sg. (meaning no drilling, no risk)

Sorry I do not have contact for you :bow:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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:D Actually, u can use the cannister type of Syphon(outlet to your cannister) use it like a hose to suck the water out from your main tank to your sump. Then use an return pump connected to your cannister's input tube. Then u got yourself a cheap sump upgrade. Regulate your flowrate by controlling the outflow and return pump. In order to create an overflow, u can use a 32mm PVC pipe and end cap, Place it at the height of your tank, ensure there is enough clearence for the water to flow into it. then place the cannister output hose into the PVC pipe. There u have a DIY overflow system with a sump.

Anyway, this is just a cheap way that i devise myself. So far so good. USing it for 1 year plus liao. Even when i upgraded, this tank system still running. :D

Also agree with Jevis that u need a real professional to do it. Cos your tank will perm have a hole in it = LEAKING!!! if not done properly. :ph34r:

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