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Modded Resun FR into KR


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

I finally decided to retire my old 4 yr old DIY kalkreactor and wanted to buy a new one but under financial pressure decided to DIY one again instead.

After looking at some bro's thread on the tunze (or was it deltec??) method of using the auto top up water to stir the kalk itself it got me thinking that a FR (Fludised reactor) would do about the same, only need a bit of modding..

Anyway I bought a 2nd hand Resun FR1000 and modded it slightly to give you this.


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This is how I connected it up, shoved a one way valve in to do 3 things:

1. restrict back flow

2. slow down the speed of water rushing in from auto-top up's pump

3. allow me to adapt in an air hosing

The goop you see is a lot of super glue to seal the gaps coz the KR in constantly under pressure and any gaps will be very obviously leak...


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This is the same shot with the pump turned on, there's a tiny gyser of kalk that will shoot into the KR resulting in some of it dissolving.

So far the speed is just right such that none of the undissolved kalk reaches the top.


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Problems so far include the sealing of the leaks, which took quite a while.

The kalk at the bottom also needs a bit of manual shaking once a day or so to make sure that the water coming in does not form channels in which no new kalk is thrown into the KR.

But overall not too bad for $30 right? :lol:

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Yeah uses this principle. It has a nice cap to open so that water dun overflow out when it is opened.

BTW Tunze recommened the use of much less Kalk that what you have. The container is about the same size and the maximum recommended amount is 4 tsp(?).

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can u post more close up of the pump>airline connection and the airline>fr connection. Thanks

Huh it's there in the photo mah, how much bigger u need leh bro? It's just the 1 way airline valve ($1 a piece) shoved into the normal rubber hose then added superglue to seal it completely...

Anyway there are problems lah... right now there's a severe channelling problem, after a while the kalk just settles down and the water instead of mixing up the kalk just seeps past the channel it previously dug out...

Hmmmm.... any ideas how to solve this?

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