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Is the Water Parameters Good?

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  • SRC Member

Need comments on CURRENT Water Parameters measure on 15Apr before 12pm (using different Test Kits):

**Short-Hand Legend**:

1. RS - Red Sea Mini-Lab Test Kits

2. TM - Tropic Marin

3. SAL - Salifert

CURRENT Water Parameters :

Temperate : <27.9 (using battery opt. meter)

SG : 1.022 (Aqualine Hydrometer)

PH : 8 (RS)

Alk: Between Low to Normal (RS)

NO3 : 1 (SAL); 2.5 (RS)

NO2 : 0 (SAL); 0.2 (RS)

NH3/NH4 : 0 - 0.25 (RS)

% of Toxin Ammonia: 7% (RS)(Base on table - Temperate >26 to <29 celcius with PH valve at 8)

Toxic Ammonia level: 0.0175 (0.25 (max)x7/100 or 0.16 check via website Ammonia_Checking (P/S: Website suggested by TM's helpdesk)

P04 : 1 :cry:

Calcium : 500 ( TM)

KH : 8 dkh ( TM) (Medium Resolution) or (4 dkh Low Resolution)

Appreciated! :thanks:

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I think the only thing that worries me is your Phosphate level. 1 is considered critically high for corals... so try to bring it down ASAP. As for A N N... they should be undetectable at all times... I know it's easier said than done... that's the ideal and you shall aim for it.

Hope this helps!

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member
I think the only thing that worries me is your Phosphate level. 1 is considered critically high for corals... so try to bring it down ASAP. As for A N N... they should be undetectable at all times... I know it's easier said than done... that's the ideal and you shall aim for it.

Hope this helps!

O I C.

Now I know what u all talking abount ANN since u type as A N N

ANN = Amonia, Nitrate, Nitrite


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member


Need comments on CURRENT Water Parameters measure on 23Apr06 from 11.30 - 2.30pm (using different Test Kits):

**Short-Hand Legend**:

1. RS - Red Sea Mini-Lab Test Kits

2. TM - Tropic Marin

3. SAL - Salifert

Water Parameters :

Temperate : <27.8 (using battery opt. meter)

SG : 1.025 (Refractometer)

PH : 8.2 (RS)

Alk: Between Low to Normal (RS)

NH3/NH4 : <0.2 (SAL); Undetectable (RS)

NO2 : Undetectable (SAL); 0.1 (RS)

NO3 : 1 (SAL)

P04 : < 0.3

Calcium : 470 ( TM)

KH : 4 dkh ( TM) (not sure what the different between high and low resolution)


% of Toxin Ammonia: <11% (RS)(Base on table - Temperate <29 celcius with PH valve at 8.2)

Toxic Ammonia level: 0.022 (0.2 x11/100) or 0.020 (check via website suggested by TM's helpdesk>)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Hi All Bros and Sis out there,

Need comments on CURRENT Water Parameters measure on this morning 06May06 :paiseh: (almost faint):

Water Parameters :

Temperate : <27.3

SG : 1.024 (Previous reading 1.024)

PH : 7.9 (Drop from 8.2 :( )

KH: 5.6 dkh :cry: (But more accurate reading - suspected the 2nd hand TK cannot made it)

NH3/NH4 : <0.2 (SAL); Undetectable (RS)

NO2 : Undetectable (SAL); 0.1 (RS)

NO3 : 2 (SAL from side. If from top from reading below 10ppm I think - 5 then divde by 10 = 0.5)

P04 : < 0.03ppm (SAL), ideal is <0.025ppm but which TK will have this readings?

Ca : 496 or 600 :( (I very Blur lao - Can anyone advise TM - Mg/Ca test 2 in 1 TK)


It indicated in instrruction that if the test solution becomes clear after ading the first two drops of reagent C, it is an indication of high calcium level. So it I base on leftover of C, which is 0.99ml, my rest will be for Ca will be 496. But if I follow the 2nd method f using 4ml of tank water instead of 5ml, my result is 600 :erm:

Mg : 275ppm :cry:

temperature: 27.3

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  • SRC Member

PH : 7.9 (Drop from 8.2)

KH: 5.6 dkh

NH3/NH4 : <0.2 (SAL); Undetectable (RS)

NO2 : Undetectable (SAL); 0.1 (RS)

NO3 : 2 (SAL from side. If from top from reading below 10ppm I think - 5 then divde by 10 = 0.5)

P04 : < 0.03ppm (SAL), ideal is <0.025ppm but which TK will have this readings?

Ca : 496 or 600 (I very Blur lao - Can anyone advise TM - Mg/Ca test 2 in 1 TK)

temperature: 27.3


if your tank is fully cycled. you don't have to worry about NH3/NH4 + N02. they should be ZERO at all time :)

it seems that you may have problem with your saltmix parameters cos your kh and mg are low and ca is too high. what saltmix are you using? you may want to measure it paramters (ca, kh, mg) after you have mix it for 24 hours. use sg 1.024 as a base. this is to confirm where the problem comes from. OR may be your low mg causes too high ca and too low kh. OR some faulty on your test kit :)

what test kit you use for your mg? it was way too low... try to use Salifert test kit. it is much accurate and easy to use :)

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  • SRC Member
PH : 7.9 (Drop from 8.2)

KH: 5.6 dkh

NH3/NH4 : <0.2 (SAL); Undetectable (RS)

NO2 : Undetectable (SAL); 0.1 (RS)

NO3 : 2 (SAL from side. If from top from reading below 10ppm I think - 5 then divde by 10 = 0.5)

P04 : < 0.03ppm (SAL), ideal is <0.025ppm but which TK will have this readings?

Ca : 496 or 600 (I very Blur lao - Can anyone advise TM - Mg/Ca test 2 in 1 TK)

temperature: 27.3


if your tank is fully cycled. you don't have to worry about NH3/NH4 + N02. they should be ZERO at all time :)

it seems that you may have problem with your saltmix parameters cos your kh and mg are low and ca is too high. what saltmix are you using? you may want to measure it paramters (ca, kh, mg) after you have mix it for 24 hours. use sg 1.024 as a base. this is to confirm where the problem comes from. OR may be your low mg causes too high ca and too low kh. OR some faulty on your test kit :)

what test kit you use for your mg? it was way too low... try to use Salifert test kit. it is much accurate and easy to use :)

:thanks: for replying.

Salt mix - Bio.Sea Marine Mix - see pix (I hope to get Tropic Marin but ...some said this is better) Now I also add Tropic Marin Salt (not Pro one) sometime.


1) Mg - using Tropic Marin Mg Test (2 in 1 box for Mg/Ca also jsut brought yesterday from ML)

This testkit start with Ca test, then the same test solution will continue with the Mg test.

Suspect the problem lays with Mg only, as it indicated that my mix with Magnesium-Calcium Test A will turn my solution to light blue. Then wiith the Magnesium-Calcium Test D, to add until solution tunes colorless. :sick: The light blue is really very light and from almost colorless to colorless, how to see such small differences :sick:

P/S: CA also using this 2in1

2) kH - using Seachem MultiTest for Marine ph & Alkalinity (just brought yesterday)

Henry from ML recommended and I find it easy to use. He also tested in front of me using his display tank water.

This TK come with 1 both pH & kH Reagent, ph & kH Reference. For kH, to count the number of drop of kH Reagent to turn the test water to yellow, 1 drop is 0.5 meg/L.


This kit utilizes a unique narraw range and high contrast pH indicator. It is suitable for marine or brackish water only. Marine pH should be 8.2-8.4. Tanks dosed with limewater mag go as high as 8.6.

Natureal sea water has a total alkalinity of 2-3 meg/L, but aquarium water should have a total of alkalinity of 4-6 meg/L. This kit measures total alkalinity. Total alkalinity is a measure of the carbonate, bicarbonate, borate abd hydroxide content of the water, expressed as the acid neutralizing caputure of the water in meg/L (milliequivalents/ Liter).

The expression of alkalinity as meg/L is chemically sound and the most useful and intelligent way to express this property of the water to resist change in pH. The use of other exprssions, such as KH, dH, mg CaCO3 /L, grain CaCO3/gal, etc., is confusing and offers no advantage over the chemically accepted standard expresion of meg/L. The use of expressions other than meg/L should ve discourage. For reference purpose only, 1 meg/L correspongs to 2.8 kh.

Loster, so with the above, and test under natural daylight, what is your view?


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  • SRC Member

hi altantis, i trust that henry gives a good advice in regard to your test kit :) i see no problem if you test under natural daylight :)

as for the salt mix, Bio.Sea Marine, i don't remember i see it anywhere in LFS :P to confirm whether your saltmix gives problem. you mix it with a container (enough for you to test ca, kh and mg). your sg should be 1.024 and leave it with small air pump or small circulation pump for at least 24 hours. after that, you test it ca, kh and mg.

another way to know whether you got the correct way for your measurement and reading... borrow from your reefer friend's test kit (Salifert is good) test it and compare the result. OR you bring your own tank water sample and your test kits... and let henry helps you to test your water... (i believe he is more willing to help you :lol: ) at least you can see how he does it and this will give you more confident when you do your own test :)

if you only want to keep fish(s) only. TM salt is good enough and it is cheaper. if you are into corals... TM reef pro has enough trace elements to support your reef :)

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  • SRC Member
hi altantis, i trust that henry gives a good advice in regard to your test kit :) i see no problem if you test under natural daylight :)

as for the salt mix, Bio.Sea Marine, i don't remember i see it anywhere in LFS :P to confirm whether your saltmix gives problem. you mix it with a container (enough for you to test ca, kh and mg). your sg should be 1.024 and leave it with small air pump or small circulation pump for at least 24 hours. after that, you test it ca, kh and mg.

another way to know whether you got the correct way for your measurement and reading... borrow from your reefer friend's test kit (Salifert is good) test it and compare the result. OR you bring your own tank water sample and your test kits... and let henry helps you to test your water... (i believe he is more willing to help you :lol: ) at least you can see how he does it and this will give you more confident when you do your own test :)

if you only want to keep fish(s) only. TM salt is good enough and it is cheaper. if you are into corals... TM reef pro has enough trace elements to support your reef :)

Hi Loster,

I already mix TM salt for this week water change... :huh:

The TM Ca/Mg seem not very easy to use. You using which brand for Mg test?

Some now there could be some problem with:

1) Test Kit not accurary (some 2nd hand :paiseh: )

2) Test Wrong Method (english not good :paiseh: )

3) Salt Mix Not Good (How stupid am I to buy this when I went there just wanted to buy TM salt :angry: )

4) My Water Parameter just no right :(

if 4, then need to dose additives right?


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ok... good. make sure that u mix it and circulate it at least 24 hours before you do your water change. this way to ensure that all elements are completely dissolve.

all my test kits are Salifert and that include my mg test kit. easy to use :) if you buy those used test kit, or you are going to buy any test kit, make sure you check the expire date. most old test kit may not give you much accuracy of your test.

ok... since you kh is low, raise it up slowly to the desire level. but i need you to recheck your mg. i don't think mg can come down so low... either you do your re-test or you borrow some other test kit to confirm the reading. try to use Salifert. it is easy to use :)

why not stop using those old (2nd hand) test kits and invest a good and easy to use test kit. better this way for a long term. if not, you may not know what went wrong.

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  • SRC Member

Action plan today:

1) Buy Salifert Mg TK

2) Buy Seachem Reef builder (To raise kH, no impart in pH & calcium)

3) Buy Salifert Supplement - Magnesium Powder (To use only if Mg confirm very low after the Mg test)

4) Test for Mg & check reading

5) Change 1 red pail of tank water with TM salt mix with Seachem Reef builder and maybe Magnesium Powder

Errr...am i doing the correct thing... :paiseh:

Can Seachem Reef builder add together with Salifert Mg Powder :eyeblur:

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Bro, not trying to discourage you... but you seem to have too much issues on hand atm... IMO Magnesium is not as crucial as the rest. Focus on getting the rest fix-up first. Dosing Magnesium can be very costly in the long run... so find out the problem why instead of immediately buy and dose. I did a lot of mistakes previously and you are right, some products doesn't work well with other (especially by other brands).

That's why not I only buy my additives from 1 LFS, 1 brand. It's much easier that way.

Henry is a very reliable source, if you just want to follow his advice... that's better than getting bits and pieces from diff LFS and even bros from SRC. As you can see... everybody has their own ways of running things (some follow guidelines, some cut corners)... so the best person to talk to is a reliable LFS that understand your situation. Bring you water down and a list of your current additives and salt mix. Tell him your procedure and blah blah... ask him what to do. Your problem is not unique and I'm sure an experienced LFS seen it 10,000 times!!! But the moment they try to sell you inferior product... look for someone else already.

This is just what I am doing to calm myself down... get a realiable brand and stick with it... unless it doesn't work ;)

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member
Action plan today:

1) Buy Salifert Mg TK

2) Buy Seachem Reef builder (To raise kH, no impart in pH & calcium)

3) Buy Salifert Supplement - Magnesium Powder (To use only if Mg confirm very low after the Mg test)

4) Test for Mg & check reading

5) Change 1 red pail of tank water with TM salt mix with Seachem Reef builder and maybe Magnesium Powder

Errr...am i doing the correct thing... :paiseh:

Can Seachem Reef builder add together with Salifert Mg Powder :eyeblur:

forget about buying Salifert Supplement - Magnesium Powder... one bottle is not going to change much. TM mg supplement is good. but with your super low mg, it will cost you a BIG bomb to raise your mg. cos you are going to use up more than 2 or 3 or more bottle...

BIG water change (50%-100%) is a best way to correct your parameters. and it is much cheaper. before you do that, make sure your new saltmix has a correct parameters :)

Before you do any thing... pls double check your mg reading to confirm whether it is that low... :)

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  • SRC Member
IMO Magnesium is not as crucial as the rest. Focus on getting the rest fix-up first.

bro, no offense la but i've personally had problems with kh and Ca dropping very fast everyweek and i didn't knwo the problems.

i quick search on the net revealed that Mg has a close connection with such a problem and when i tested, sure enough my Mg (which i had neglected for several months) was at 700ppm.

you can try as best to fix your kh and ph but without the proper ionic balance of 3:1 ratio of Mg:Ca, your kh and ph problem will simply resurface faster than u can sae "problem fixed"

it is my believe tat Mg is a major source of his problems since we see that he has problems with ph, kh, both of which are closely tied to Mg

ATlantis: i agree with loster, get a reliable test kit to test for your mg, although i believe its low, i dun think its THAT low...lol...275ppm is so low i would tihnk sth wrong with the test kit :lol:

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Oh dear... let me check my Mg tonight... it's been a while ;)

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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bro, take it easy first....is your tank cycle already???? if not no point doing so much test ......for started just focus on NH3/NH4, then N02....go slow on stocking....

there isn't any need to track KH or CAL first unless you are jumping straight in to corals.....forcus on getting the fish alive first.....:D...

personally, i find that:

- never get second hand test kit

- go for the recongise test kits (salifert) is a good brand

- Digital termometter espically the battery operated type is very very inaccurate.

- PH meter/pen that is probably calibrated would be a better measure of PH then test kits. But PH flculate over different time of the day, so as long as its not too much, don't worry about it

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Salifert Mg Profi Test kit Out of Stock :(

Bro Altantis, I have a set. Since I have some corals to pass to you (Zoos)... you come over, I can help test your water for you also :D

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member

The truth of my water parameter measure on this evening 09 May with Bro Jervis

Water Parameters :

Temperate : 27 - 28

SG : 1.023 (Previous reading 1.024) to be confirmed

PH : 7.9

KH: 5.60 - 6.4 dkh :(

Alk: 2 - 2.29 meg/L :(

NH3/NH4 : Undetectable

NO2 : Undetectable

NO3 : 100 :cry::cry::cry:

P04 : < 0.6ppm :sick:

Ca : > 500 - 600 :erm:

Mg : > 1400 ppm <_<

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