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I-Aquatic Zeovit Reactor


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  • SRC Member

I have been using the IAquatic Zeovit reactor for a few months now and its time to do a review on it to help those who are looking to get the reactor.

The reactor also goes by the name I-Spin and it does exactly what it says. There is a piece of acrylic in the inner chamber that houses the Zeolites. This aids in the thorough mixing of the zeoliths when you are either pumping or spinning the reactor. The best method that I have found is to pump the handle up and down while giving it a spin in between the strokes. Works marvellously and you can see the ZEOliths being mixed thoroughly and the cloudy mass of mulm being shaken clean off the Zeoliths to be transferred to the display tank as food for the corals.

The complete separation of the ZEOliths from the external chamber also leads to absolutely no jammed conditions which I have encountered with other designs that do not have the inner housing chamber.

The reactor can take up to 4 litres of Zeoliths but I find its better to run it with 3L to get the maximum mixing action when pumping it.

Build quality is top notch and there are no visible imperfections noticed.

I have owned a few reactors before this and I can say that this works as advertised and it perfect for the job.

Hope it helps those who are exploring the ZEOvit system and also choosing the reactor.


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Hi bro

Want to know if Zeovit is comparable to in terms of performace compared to 2 separate reactors filled with Antiphos and Denitrator. Heard Zeovit can handle both Phosphate and Nitrate... can u confirm on that?

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  • SRC Member

Hi there,

ZEOvit has the potential to handle PO4 and NO3 and also feed the corals at the same time. No need for denitrators etc etc. You just need these 4 (ZEOliths,ZEObac,ZEOfood,Activated Carbon), a reactor to house the ZEOliths and an efficient skimmer. You might need to dose ZEOstart initially to speed up the depletion of nutrients but once you are in the later stages of the system, ZEOstart becomes optional and can be dosed infrequently.

Best place to learn about Zeovit is : www.zeovit.com

Its an international forum with lots of good brains involved.


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