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Fish from reb***

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HArd to change their mindset..the last time my friend went their to buy a sponge...gave specific instructions for the sponge to be packed underwater when he passed the pail to the employee...but the employee just picked up the sponge from the pail..put it in the bag..and filled it with water...when my friend questioned him why he did that...the employee just gave a nonchalant snigger. Now..how about that? <_<

Always something more important than fish.


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agree....bought a couple of zoanthids from him..got a bit of scolding as well......fantastic customer service training backgrd he has... :whistle

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HArd to change their mindset..the last time my friend went their to buy a sponge...gave specific instructions for the sponge to be packed underwater when he passed the pail to the employee...but the employee just picked up the sponge from the pail..put it in the bag..and filled it with water...when my friend questioned him why he did that...the employee just gave a nonchalant snigger. Now..how about that? <_<

That attitude is not nice. They have so much variety of fish but......

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Then why u all go there.. for me if the shop have poor tanks and unmaintained it just means the shop owner the boss only interested in $$$ not the life of the fish.. and he is not qa fish lover himself ..

i won't go to the shop and i spit on them..

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Then why u all go there.. for me if the shop have poor tanks and unmaintained it just means the shop owner the boss only interested in $$$ not the life of the fish.. and he is not qa fish lover himself ..

i won't go to the shop and i spit on them..

For majority of the people whom went to tat shop is either:

1) 1st visit to tat shop

2) Decided to give it another chance since they r not those converted FW LFS whom most of the time have only half *expletive* knowledge abt marine keeping.

You mentioned abt "....shop owner the boss only interested in $$$ not the life of the fish.. and he is not qa fish lover himself ..

i won't go to the shop and i spit on them.."

Then why do u still patronise PSB? for yr info, last nite (thurs nite), when the new livestk came in, guess how the shop pple intro the new fishes into their tank....after the plastic bags taken out from ice box, the fish were immediately put into the small pail n the next second, he just use his hand to catch the fish from the pail n put it into his tank..wifout proper acclimatizing it. There was a 6inch blue tang(oh yes..its a BIG blue tang) n less than 30 mins after being introduced into the tank, the 6" Blue tang is lying on it sideway.Doubt it will make it..

Not only tat, at times u can see fishes wif cloudy eyes, white spots, dying fishes hiding at one corner....

Do u call tis fish lover? :ooh: if no, u ought to spit on them

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Okie.. guys... we already got the general consensus about how most of us feel about these kind of shops.

People have different ways of doing business and they have their own customers. Let's not make things more difficult for them now that they can see for themselves the feedback from customers. It's up to them to decide for themselves whether they feel the need to improve or not.

And it's up to us to patronise their shops or not based on our own experiences and expectations. :)

Those of us who are friendlier with them can perhaps encourage them to do better. Competition in this market is already tight.. those who take the trouble to improve & attract a customer's goodwill will undoubtedly be the winners.

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i heard some resource that they had put too high dose of copper in their holding tanks for some lfs and farms..

my knowledge through reading had told me that copper will harm reef tanks.. but they put in their tank to help quarantine the fish..

will that affect the fish.. as the fish had been too accimatise with copper.. and sure they would die.. as our reef tank are clean of that..

anyway.. :evil:

well as "professionals" now we sure will look for the best fish or coral b4 buying.. haha..

well knowledge and experience is still important.. well i wouldn't patronise shops with owners who are biase and unfriendly and unmaintained and proper tanks..

let them screw and hope they roll their shops.. :evil:

Edited by metals99
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Some of my fishes died within a few months after i bought from them too..  I suspect its *CYANIDE POISONING*

If the above is true, than those fishes are quite strong :D I think we have enough of this LFS bashing. I have been following this thread and many of the accusations seem not to be totally the fault of lfs, some described deaths and the collateral damage to existing tank mates sound more of a unstable tank than that lfs fault. Gentlemen, it is very easier to blame some others for our troubles.


Disclaimer: I have no financial interests in the lfs being discussed.

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well we never know.. yeah it could be due to our tanks condition prob. but senior reefers also have this prob. too.. well there is a cause.. well in my tank i use to buy this normal clownfish from lfs always die.. i change water.. try to make the water condition perfect.. still buy from that lfs die.. then when i change lfs can liao.. well is it from the source of the stock they get??

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I think we have enough of this LFS bashing.  I have been following this thread and many of the accusations seem not to be totally the fault of lfs, some described deaths and the collateral damage to existing tank mates sound more of a unstable tank than that lfs fault.  Gentlemen, it is very easier to blame some others for our troubles.

I agree...but I guess it's just human nature... :(

If only we humans have more opportunity for reflective evaluation... :)

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