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Branch LR

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Hrmz, don't think its banned, proberbly they stopped or reduce the amount they bring in cause the price is pretty steep as compared to normal LRs which retials for around $6 per kg. When you need alot of LRs in your tank, the price difference you pay for the branch LRs is actually quite steep. 100kg will cost you easily $1600. Most of us cant afford that..... :lol:

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Heard from shop owners that branch LR are no longer being imported into Sg.

Is it being banned or sth?

Yup! You're right bro it's been banned already.However you still can purchase it in coral farm because they're the only importer in singapore that is certified by the ISO 9000 and come with a legal permit. Most of my L/R are from them and I was even been told by the Factory manager to keep all my Tonga L/R receipt that comes with a serial number just incase. Futhermore, they will not sell it to us if it's not been properly cured. Trust me you will be amaze by their quality of the life rock if there's a new shipment arrived.

And the cost price will be much more higher than the normal rock, But ofcourse, You have to remember that you are buying a cure live rock and that is why it's slightly expensive. Well here goes the price for those who are interested:

Tonga Rock : $18/ kg

Fiji Rock : $15/ kg

So, Happy shopping dude! :lol::lol::lol:

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