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Marine invertebrates u regret buying.....


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  • SRC Member


Started this hobby w a 2 feet tank because I am a big fan of marine crabs and shrimp!!


very often u buy a crab or shrimp, they will go into hiding and never to be seen again... very disappointing, almost a waste of $$ below are the list of them and my remarks...

1. pom pom crab: hiding in the dark, very rarely seen him in action unless switch off light

2. Bumble Bee shrimps: All 3 MIA since i put them in my tank. only seen once briefly

3. Purple boxer: hiding in the dark, very rarely seen him in action unless switch off light

4. Majestic lobster: Hiding in my LR. can only see the claws once in a while...

5. ###### Shrimp: Good stuff! dance around my coral every night hide in the day

6. cleaner Shrimp: the only guy I can see him every day w my fish!

7. sally light foot: another MIA guy... not sure alive or dead

Total $$$ spent = almost $100!! but very little satisfaction gain..... <_<

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  • SRC Member

haha.. funny thread.. But I must say.. Pom pom crabs are very cute..

Add on:

8. Pistol Shrimps.. be it colourful yellow or bright red. Cost about $20+ but seldom see them, only hear the knocking. And They mess up your sandbed.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

ane shrimp - nice and graceful on e ane...MIA after a few sightings

ane crab - simple...elegant and good sight when feeding...MIA after a while....

at least $5 - $8 per pc....

Henry Tan


3x1.5x1.5 2.5x1x1.5


1xfire clown/ 1xyellow boxer

1xpercular/ 1xcoral beauty

1xboxer/ 2xfire shrimps

1xcoral beauty/ 2xfalse clowns

2xhawk fish/ 1xane crab

1xyellow tail damsel/ 2xcleaners

3xturbo snails


1xtomato clown

Set up.....

Sump - Done

DIY Cabinet - Done

DIY Overflow Pipe - Done

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  • SRC Member

Nudibranch $8. Bright and colorful, and can go para-gliding. Near impossible to find proper food to feed it. Usually starve to dead. Mine starved to dead.

Debelius (Dwarf) Red Lobster. $4. Nice Orangy-Purple color. Reef-safe with caution. Seldom seen in action except lights off. I returned the fellow to the LFS after suspecting it killing my 2-spot goby.

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  • SRC Member
haha.. funny thread.. But I must say.. Pom pom crabs are very cute..

Add on:

8. Pistol Shrimps.. be it colourful yellow or bright red. Cost about $20+ but seldom see them, only hear the knocking. And They mess up your sandbed.

Pistol shrimps should come out more often after it gets used to the tank... and the red pistol shrimps tend to be more outgoing than the Bullseye and Randall pistol shrimps.

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  • SRC Member
let me add blue leg hermit. nice strong guy who like to crawl around eating algae together with my coralline algae... pest to me hahahaha

haha...ya hermits....good for algae...and also a killer :evil: on e loose for my turbo snails....poor snails...one by one i see empty homes :( after a while...

Henry Tan


3x1.5x1.5 2.5x1x1.5


1xfire clown/ 1xyellow boxer

1xpercular/ 1xcoral beauty

1xboxer/ 2xfire shrimps

1xcoral beauty/ 2xfalse clowns

2xhawk fish/ 1xane crab

1xyellow tail damsel/ 2xcleaners

3xturbo snails


1xtomato clown

Set up.....

Sump - Done

DIY Cabinet - Done

DIY Overflow Pipe - Done

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  • SRC Member

True.. even if you have 101 empty shells for it. It still likes the one with the snail in it.. <_<

maybe "resale flats" got more value.. empty "flats" maybe haunted or location no good.. :lol:

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member
ARRRgggh... got a very nice flame electric scallop!! 1st night was flashing away at the side of my tank! 2nd nite hidden deep inside my life rock!!

sign*.... :(

flame scallops are one thing which is not recommended.. do a search around the internet and this forum. Fussy feeders.. probably will hide and waste away somehow..

probably nice addition for a week or a month or so.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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