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Selling all live stocks


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  • SRC Member

Well, I've been out of here for a long while. Used to just read and learn.

Now do not have the time/energy to look after tank. Selling everything :)

Please PM me with your offer and any questions you may have. Please...

NOTE: My tank has got brown flatworms. So, gotta get rid of them yourself if you intend to buy anything.


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  • SRC Member

Hi all, I guess it was a very bad idea to ask for PMs. I can't finish replying. Too stressing :)

I shall list the price I feel is OK, and let everyone decide if they want to PM me to CONFIRM

buying. Left overs will have their price reduced ;)


1. $5

2. $20

3. $20

4. No charge. For first buyer. (But someone expressed interest already, believe its colinsoon or shootsimon. If I promised to give it to you, please reply my PM and I will keep it for you, else will go to first buyer.)

5. $20

6. $50

7 + 10. $15. Item 10 comes with a large flat rock thats estimate 20cm.

8. $10. Note that receding at the back. Will recover fast with good light and care.

9. $5. Dead skeleton around can be trimmed off.

11. $50

Please PM me if you decide that the price is fair for you, else wait for price to drop.


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  • SRC Member

1. $5 - shootsimon

2. $20 - shootsimon

3. $20

4. No charge. For first buyer. (But someone expressed interest already, believe its colinsoon or shootsimon. If I promised to give it to you, please reply my PM and I will keep it for you, else will go to first buyer.)

5. $20 - xiaoboi2000

6. $50

7 + 10. $15. Item 10 comes with a large flat rock thats estimate 20cm.

8. $10. Note that receding at the back. Will recover fast with good light and care. - shootsimon

9. $5. Dead skeleton around can be trimmed off. - xiaoboi2000

11. $50 - Reserved by Shawncel

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  • SRC Member


1. $5 - shootsimon

2. $20 - shootsimon

3. $20

4. No charge. For first buyer. (But someone expressed interest already, believe its colinsoon or shootsimon. If I promised to give it to you, please reply my PM and I will keep it for you, else will go to first buyer.) - xiaoboi2000 COLLECTED

5. $20 - xiaoboi2000 Collected

6. $50 - nemo1974

7 + 10. $15. Item 10 comes with a large flat rock thats estimate 20cm. - nemo1974

8. $10. Note that receding at the back. Will recover fast with good light and care. - shootsimon

9. $5. Dead skeleton around can be trimmed off. - xiaoboi2000 Collected

11. $50 - Reserved by Shawncel

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  • SRC Member


1. $5 - shootsimon

2. $20 - shootsimon

3. $20

4. No charge. For first buyer. (But someone expressed interest already, believe its colinsoon or shootsimon. If I promised to give it to you, please reply my PM and I will keep it for you, else will go to first buyer.) - xiaoboi2000 COLLECTED

5. $20 - xiaoboi2000 Collected

6. $50 - nemo1974

7 + 10. $15. Item 10 comes with a large flat rock thats estimate 20cm. - nemo1974

8. $10. Note that receding at the back. Will recover fast with good light and care. - shootsimon

9. $5. Dead skeleton around can be trimmed off. - xiaoboi2000 Collected

11. $50 - Shawncel Collected

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  • SRC Member
Everything has been collected. Next will be equipment sales, after I scrubbed them clean :)

Wondering whether got high end stuff at low end price loh :evil::evil::paiseh:

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