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Top ten ways.....


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Top Ten Ways To Get Your Spouse To Pay For Your Next Item From The LFS...

10) Take a course on hypnotism: "You are feeling sleeepy, sleeeeepy... Now you have a sudden urge to buy that coraaal, coraaaaal, coraaaal..."

9) Now, Honey, if you really want some anthias and tangs, we're going to need at least a 250-gallon tank.

8) Tell her the new purchase will make the tank a lot quieter, and you'll have to spend a lot less time working on it.

7) I told my wife that the clam can actually make pearls.

6) "Watching the clowns do their cute little courtship dance puts me in the mood... If they had an anemone, they'd probably do it all the time."

5) Look Honey, that coral matches your new shoes!

4) The first step: convince her that "this is our tank." The rest should take care of itself.

3) Put it in the prenuptial agreement.

2) Give her a guilt trip that one of your fish needs “a friend.”

1) Wow! I paid for the ring, the house and that fancy car, and you can't even pay for a fish? That's some kind of love!

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