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Restarting Tank

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Wanted to restart my tank.

Can I just removed some of my old sand (large and low grade) and my blown rock, replacing with Liverock (mature) from reefer and Livesand without without my existing fish.... :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member

Wanted to restart my tank.

Can I just removed some of my old sand (large and low grade) and my blown rock, replacing with Liverock (mature) from reefer and Livesand without without my existing fish.... :rolleyes:


Oh no...I'm at the wrong forum ..

Sorry all.. :(

Upz :cry:

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Hello Mod AT:

How come my posting got this...

Warn: (0%) :shock:

that warning part is only visible to yourself . when u are naughty , for example post in wrong forum , u will see the warning bar get higher and higher till u are suspended .

hhaa. dun worry , the MOD will shift the thread if they see it .

anyway , ur question is a bit difficult to understand , if i am not wrong , u are asking whether u can replace your LR and sand in your main tank.

of course u can , but firstly no matter how cure the rock is , the moment it is out of tank , during transportation , something will die of and give ammonia out . this will kickstart a mini cycling . if ur fishes cant take the ammonia , most likely it will die of ammonia or nitrite poisoning .

The most proper way is to rely on good testkit result to ensure that after putting your LR and LS into the maintank , the reading still read zero , then it is safe with all the fishes.

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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  • SRC Member
hhaa. dun worry , the MOD will shift the thread if they see it .

Thanks Bro hammy :thanks:

anyway , ur question is a bit difficult to understand , if i am not wrong , u are asking whether u can replace your LR and sand in your main tank.


my ENGLAND no good la :lol:

I'm checking whether I can redo my tank without removing my LS(fishs only).... just by removing BLOWN Rocks from my FOWDL(Fish only with Dead rock) :eyebrow: & the ROUGH Sands, Then add in GOOODTE grade 0 & 1 sand with liverock (with coral-life alglae)

of course u can , but firstly no matter how cure the rock is , the moment it is out of tank , during transportation , something will die of and give ammonia out . this will kickstart a mini cycling . if ur fishes cant take the ammonia , most likely it will die of ammonia or nitrite poisoning .

The most proper way is to rely on good testkit result to ensure that after putting your LR and LS into the maintank , the reading still read zero , then it is safe with all the fishes.

:ooh: so to said the BEST way is to have a termporay tank to house my LS right


:phone: must source for a mini tank... ....may be borrow .... :upsidedown::upsidedown:

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Bro IMHO remove all the sand and LR wash it thoroughly so you can have a fresh start no need to buy new LR unless you want to change your scaping.

Bro Tanga, Thanks for your reply. :thanks:

My setup f loh. IT's FOWDR and rough sand :ph34r::ph34r:

Not sure whether I'm consider as redoing or rescaping..... :whistle

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Erm, what are "blown rocks" by the way? If you are just doing some minor rescaping, its possible to leave your livestock in your tank. But judging from your post, you'll be replacing both your san and rocks and replacing them. This will definately cause an ammonia/nitrate increase depeding on how good your source is. For me i think the safest way would be to relocate all your fishes to a holding tank, rescape your main tank, measure the parameters and make sure all the parameters are ok before moving your LS back. :)

My Newbie Tank Thread

My Blog

All pics taken with CanoN!~

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  • SRC Member
Erm, what are "blown rocks" by the way?\

Hmm... :unsure::unsure:

The Rock that is sun for 1 week without caroline algae and turned to blownish in colour after a year in tank... :evil:

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Hmm... :unsure::unsure:

The Rock that is sun for 1 week without caroline algae and turned to blownish in colour after a year in tank... :evil:

ic... BLOWN ROCK is very bad rock if that's the case... not doing any good to your tank... maybe just decorating it, that's all. So yes, replacing them with LR is the right decision. Get LR from bros in SRC, a lot cheaper and more matured (u might even get coralline if lucky)...

Must not put into a tank with LS. Remove the LS out since it's gonna be pretty easy to catch them once ur tank is emptied. Sand wise... unless they are filthy... or else, I think they can remain in the tank untouched. Perhaps u wanna ask for some matured sand from bros too... that can help add more nitrifying bacterias into your tank.

Follow my thread as I am going thru the same process now :lol:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member
ic... BLOWN ROCK is very bad rock if that's the case... not doing any good to your tank... maybe just decorating it, that's all. So yes, replacing them with LR is the right decision. Get LR from bros in SRC, a lot cheaper and more matured (u might even get coralline if lucky)...

Must not put into a tank with LS. Remove the LS out since it's gonna be pretty easy to catch them once ur tank is emptied. Sand wise... unless they are filthy... or else, I think they can remain in the tank untouched. Perhaps u wanna ask for some matured sand from bros too... that can help add more nitrifying bacterias into your tank.

Follow my thread as I am going thru the same process now :lol:

Yes Sir...that why I at your thread posting Q :thanks:

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