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Fish stores in Hong Kong


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  • SRC Member

Hi everyone,

just came back from a trip to HK and found this street that sells all kinda of marine and fresh water equipments .... !!! You name it and they got it !!! But price wise ... i@m not too sure about everything.... it`s located near prince MTR station .... will post some photos of the streets when i got some spare time !!!..

take care

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Hi Mv3i...

HK LFS are quite cool...though most have really cramp up storage places (bad for the fishes)...but they do have nice stuff/ species which we hardly find in SG....

I remembered I was quite fascinated by all the marine LFS being congregated in one area....

Makes shopping n comparing of Live stock real easy....

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  • SRC Member

For anyone interested, the street is Tung Choi Street, also know as "Goldfish Street" in chinese...

I went there twice, and must say I just couldnt get enuff of the street!!! My GF goes to HK for the sales, whereas i go for this fishy paradise! It's 2 long rows of LFS shophouses spanning over 2 or 3 junctions, parallel to each other, selling simply every type of equipment imagineable, but like B|uEc@rpEt said, the fishes are mostly ill-treated; most of them in small plastic bags ready for sale, at very low prices! I bot plants, corydoras (dirt cheap!) and lotsa yamato shrimp back for my FW tank...

This is a good look at the place:

Hong Kong Goldfish Street!!!

As for the map, couldn't find it on the net (but i have a hard-copy), so guess anyone wishing to go there can just grab a city map at any hotel and 'chiong' from there...MTR at both ends of the street, so u wont miss it! :D:D:D

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  • SRC Member

hey guys ,

seems that i`m really slow ... wah so many went there before .... prices are relative / slightly cheaper that those in singapore .... depends on what you are looking for !!! :P ... really got to bargain and you got to know how much it`s really dependent on the individual and i have means of bringing stuff back as i travel quite often ... so will look out for cheaper stuff around .... if it could save some money .... but i@m really looking for equipments only .... life stocks .... problem bringing into singapore ....

But it`s really a haven ... all the fish shops on a few streets and you can`t get enough of it .... even hardware store for the pipings and electrical shop can be found there too !!!! Kinda like a all in one ..... for fish hobbists ....

anyone used a pinpoint PH monitor or controller before ???

Good or bad ??? comments ??

and not forgetting price ???

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  • SRC Member

Hey guys, just to add, been there like couple of time, well the live stock is cheap. Bought 5 fire goby at S$2 a piece, put them in my check in luggage and they arrive safety back in Singapore. I was told the iwaki pump there was real cheap, but these have to be gotten at some hardware shop and not the fish shop. For direction wise, just walk on the famous lady street(Niu Ren Jie), walk till you come to a end, cross over to the opposite side of the road, continue on on the same road, and you will see the 2 rows of fish shop. If you were to follow the sign of Tung Choi Street after you exist the MTR, you might get lost, the street name is very confused espically your firs time there, just my 2 cent worth....

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Wow CT!

U managed to bring them in? V. brave...damn...I wanted to smuggle a snake once from TW...but kinda chickened out at the last min...

U have inspired me...heheheee...shall head ya way...the next time round.

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  • SRC Member

As mentioned, I'm going there soon..clownt..can you ask your fren where to get the iwakis??really keen in getting some..or do you think the fishshop people will direct me??i'll be staying in a hotel beside the fish street..hehe...my wife wun be too happy! B)

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  • SRC Member

hey when you going ther exactly ..... there is really quite a few big marine shop there ... lots of life stocks but some not in very good condition as they tend to overstock their tank .... i have to admit that there is really lots of equipment there ... all the stuff that i dream off .... but cannot afford :blink::blink:)

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  • SRC Member

alvy, I don't have friends in HK to provide me the information.I did a yellowpages search in the net and see that most of the hardware pump shop are located at Canton road, which is a few street away from the fish street. Maybe this is where it is. The shop that I find on the net did sell little giant pump. Here is the url



you can take your chances there, if not just ask the fish shop owner.

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  • SRC Member

got some links for whoever wanders to Hong Kong.

i'm not advertising them= just giving u guys a head start in route planning.

a list of aquarium shops in HK.


a list of korallin retailers in HK


& Here is a mail order link (based in HK):

everything is charged in US dollars(may not be the cheapest- but the freight is cheaper).

UP to 20kg weight= US$12 within Asia.

They carry dosers,Denitrator,computers etc.

Iwasaki Eye 250W 6,500K Bulb (US$60)

Iwasaki Eye 400W 6,500K Bulb (US$60)

Iwasaki 400W Coils Ballast (US$120)

Korallin Calcium Reactor


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Prices in Singapore from Eye Lighting:

Iwasaki Eye 250W 6,500K Bulb (US$60) - ~$85

Iwasaki Eye 400W 6,500K Bulb (US$60)- ~$90

Iwasaki 400W Coils Ballast (US$120) - ~$40 for normal mercury vapor ballast w/out casing

Korallin Calcium Reactor - good buy if compared to buying from Germany or US

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