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looking for nice sun corals...

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  • SRC Member

very nice sis fionafiona!!!

you targetfeed them?

i think i should cut down on my feeding regime for suns... yesterday fed all my suns 8 cubes of mysis, and quite a lot of polyps not open, thanx to my irritating, dun do work cleaner shrimps...

my no2 is like at 40 already.. haiz.

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  • SRC Member

Upz for bro colinsoon in the morning! Anyone got suns wanna put up for sale? :lol:


wow, 8 cubes is like ALOT~

bro zoren's plastic-bottle covering method looks familiar.... but its a nice method! can prevent other fishes / shrimps from kah-jiaoing the suns. :peace:

well, i used to target feed when they were just introduced into my tank -- thats for conditioning them. but i dun target feed in the main tank; did it in a "nursery box".

Now, my suns got used to the usual feeding hours and they bloom automatically, waiting for food. I feed mysis/brine/cyclopeeze (amongsy many others) to my fishes, and they just filter-feed the tiny mysis/brine/Cp particles that the fishes didn't catch. Only twice a week do i stick my hands in to tank with a mysis-cube (or 2) for target-feeding. (dun do it often cuz my Blue Tang can whack me real hard with her tail... :eyeblur: )

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  • SRC Member

ooooo... me too.. i hardly target them too, once or twice a week, sometimes 3, when i am like super stressed out or happy.. haha... so if i hardly feed, each time must feed them full full.. hahaa.. i juz do my feeding in the main tank... got the hammers and torch to catch the left overs flying around...

if inverts kajiao, use your hands to swipe them away lor... dats wat i experience always. another good way to is squirt some at the cleaners or fire shrimp, let them eat first, den they will leave the suns alone for the next 1 or 2 hours... hahaha

luckily my BT is still tiny, i stick my hand in, everyone disappears.... hahaha...

any more suns out there?????????

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  • SRC Member

nice sun you have there sis :yeah: FionaFiona.

bro colinsoon what colour of sun you are look for??? may be able to pass you a frag of a yellow sun if you want :P

also just to share. i feed my suns mouth by mouth every 2 day. :lol::lol: cos i KS la. :P:P


not this 1 hor. do pm me if you want :lol: i stay in toa payoh :D

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those unique coloured suns.. cos i think i have bout all the normal colours le... light pink, hot pink, yellow, yellow pink... looking for like hot red, green and black ones...

anyway bro, your suns very nice wor.. haha..

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  • SRC Member

Try Harlequin at Clementi.. they even have those Uber kind which are very nice. too bad for the prices of these sunnies.. cannot affort :(.. only can get those small kind..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member


you people very good.... all BAAADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD people....


bro barnacle... remember to count your suns after i visit your place nxt time... muahahahaha....

bro maxstar81, after seeing bro barnacle's, balls burst liao. dun need me squeeze le.. haiz.


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