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Selling Tanket 3ft x 2ft x 2ft

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  • SRC Member


After much considerations and other commitments that i need to attend to.Im putting my tankset for sales. Here we go....

Whole Setup Sales List

(1) 3ft x 2ft x 2ft with hood,sump and pipings

(return pump included,glass with some sacratches) - $200

(2) 3ft ATI lightset with D&D tube (actnic blue) - $100

(3) 3ft Aqualight lightset with aqualight tube (actnic blue) - $100

(4)3ft Aquaz lightset with Aquaz tube (white) -$100

(5) 1 x CL450 chiller with pump & tubing included - $150

(6) Liverocks with coraline alage (all, dun know how many kgs) - $100

(7) Skimz Beckett Skimmer with,waste collector atman pump & tubing - $300

(8) Resun FR with rowas (rowas run abt 2 weeks only) - $50

(9) Ehiem compact pump for FR(new, abt 2 weeks) - $35

(10) A cabinet stand for chiller and skimmer - FOC upon purchase of skimmer and chiller

(11) UV Light - FOC

(12) Jebo 3 ft MH * 150W (coralife Bulb 20K, one PL tube spoilt need to replace on own) - $150

(13) Seio 620 & 820 - $60

Total equipment sales = $1345

Now confirm with whole sets = $1188

Priority will be given to person who will take the whole set.

And if responses not good, I will sell the equipment ind. NO bragains please and i think im putting a good price tag already. Cash and carry only and NO NO pilots.

delivery and washing not included! :P

Live Stocks Sales

Blue tang (2-3i inches) - $20

Purple tang (3 inchles) - $25

True Percular (pair) - $25

Alage blenny - $5

Sand dollar - $5

Dispar Anthias x 4 - $20

Blue damsel x 1 - FOC

Fire goby x 1 - $10

Chromis x 5 - $10

Cleaner Shrimp x 4 - $20

Blood Shirmp x 1 - $5

B]Total Livestocks sales = $145

Now confirm with whole sets = $100

Priority will be given to person who will take the whole lot.

Stocks will release once someone confirm the abovementioned sales.

Photos will upload soon and hope to clear all items by this weekend.

Please indicate clearly on ur requests thru PMs.

NO NO rid offers.... ;)

Tommorow,IM free...for those who wanna view it...let me know. ;)


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Whole Setup Sales List

(1) 3ft x 2ft x 2ft with hood,sump and pipings

(return pump included,glass with some sacratches) - $200

Pedning for viewing tommorow.

(2) 3ft ATI lightset with D&D tube (actnic blue) - $100

(3) 3ft Aqualight lightset with aqualight tube (actnic blue) - $100

(4)3ft Aquaz lightset with Aquaz tube (white) -$100

(5) 1 x CL450 chiller with pump & tubing included - $150

(6) Liverocks with coraline alage (all, dun know how many kgs) - $100

(Reserved by UnderwaterSOLD)

(7) Skimz Beckett Skimmer with,waste collector atman pump & tubing - $300

(8) Resun FR with rowas (rowas run abt 2 weeks only) - $50

(9) Ehiem compact pump for FR(new, abt 2 weeks) - $35

(10) A cabinet stand for chiller and skimmer - FOC upon purchase of skimmer and chiller

(11) UV Light - FOC

FOC given to underWater

(12) Jebo 3 ft MH * 150W (coralife Bulb 20K, one PL tube spoilt need to replace on own) - $150

(13) Seio 620 & 820 - $60

Live Stocks Sales

Blue tang (2-3i inches) - $20

Purple tang (3 inchles) - $25

True Percular (pair) - $25

Alage blenny - $5

Sand dollar - $5

Dispar Anthias x 4 - $20

Blue damsel x 1 - FOC

Fire goby x 1 - $10

Chromis x 5 - $10

Cleaner Shrimp x 4 - $20

Blood Shirmp x 1 - $5


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Whole Setup Sales List

(1) 3ft x 2ft x 2ft with hood,sump and pipings

(return pump included,glass with some sacratches) - $200

Viewing by KTLK & Raymond

(2) 3ft ATI lightset with D&D tube (actnic blue) - $100

(3) 3ft Aqualight lightset with aqualight tube (actnic blue) - $100

(4)3ft Aquaz lightset with Aquaz tube (white) -$100

(5) 1 x CL450 chiller with pump & tubing included - $150

Pending for confirmation by Syaitan

(6) Liverocks with coraline alage (all, dun know how many kgs) - $100

Reserved by Underwater

(7) Skimz Beckett Skimmer with,waste collector atman pump & tubing - $300

(8) Resun FR with rowas (rowas run abt 2 weeks only) - $50

(9) Ehiem compact pump for FR(new, abt 2 weeks) - $35

(10) A cabinet stand for chiller and skimmer - FOC depends

(11) UV Light - FOC

FOC given to Underwater

(12) Jebo 3 ft MH * 150W (coralife Bulb 20K, one PL tube spoilt need to replace on own) - $150

(13) Seio 620 & 820 - $60

PMz me of all ur request..

Corals sections

(1) Mushies (blue red, hairy, lime green etc , all which can found in my tank) - $20

(2) Bicolor prata - $60

(3) Dark green prata - $30

(4) Light Green & Lime Green prata - $50

(5) Lum green tip Hammer - $15 (abt 2 heads_

(6) Starpolys - $5

(7) Trumpet - $15 (abt 5 heads)

(8) Torch - $15 (abt 4 heads, forget liao)

(9) Frogspawn - $15 (Reserved by ad_aware)

(10) Red Blasto - $15

Orginal Package deal (except frogspawn) = $225

NOW, collection by tommorow = $180

PMs me and let me know!! :D

wanna clear all by tommorow...:D

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Whole Setup Sales List

(1) 3ft x 2ft x 2ft with hood,sump and pipings

(return pump included,glass with some sacratches) - $200

Viewing by KTLK & Raymond

(2) 3ft ATI lightset with D&D tube (actnic blue) - $100

(3) 3ft Aqualight lightset with aqualight tube (actnic blue) - $100

(4)3ft Aquaz lightset with Aquaz tube (white) -$100

(5) 1 x CL450 chiller with pump & tubing included - $150

Reserve by Syaitan

(6) Liverocks with coraline alage (all, dun know how many kgs) - $100

Reserved by Underwater

(7) Skimz Beckett Skimmer with,waste collector atman pump & tubing - $300

(8) Resun FR with rowas (rowas run abt 2 weeks only) - $50

(9) Ehiem compact pump for FR(new, abt 2 weeks) - $35

(10) A cabinet stand for chiller and skimmer - FOC depends

(11) UV Light - FOC

FOC given to Underwater

(12) Jebo 3 ft MH * 150W (coralife Bulb 20K, one PL tube spoilt need to replace on own) - $150

(13) Seio 620 & 820 - $60

PMz me of all ur request..

Corals sections

(1) Mushies (blue red, hairy, lime green etc , all which can found in my tank) - $20

Reserved by Peong

(2) Bicolor prata - $60

(3) Dark green prata - $30

(4) Light Green & Lime Green prata - $50

(5) Lum green tip Hammer - $15 (abt 2 heads)

Reserved by Peong

(6) Starpolys - $5

Reserved by Peong

(7) Trumpet - $15 (abt 5 heads)

(8) Torch - $15 (abt 4 heads, forget liao)

Reserved by Peong

(9) Frogspawn - $15 (Reserved by ad_aware)

(10) Red Blasto - $15

PMs me and let me know!!

wanna clear all by today and this weekend!!! :lol:

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sales confirm & awaits for final confirmations

3ft ATI lightset with D&D tube (actnic blue) - $100

Reserved and pending dep receive by alien07

3ft Aqualight lightset with aqualight tube (actnic blue) - $100

Reserved and pending dep receive by alien07

1 x CL450 chiller with pump & tubing included - $150

Reserve by Syaitan

Liverocks with coraline alage (all, dun know how many kgs) - $100

Reserved by Underwater & dep received

Skimz Beckett Skimmer with,waste collector atman pump & tubing - $300

Reserved by Kaozzz, pending for 50% dep

UV Light - FOC

FOC given to Underwater

Seio 620 & 820 - $60

Reserved by vincenttan till friday, pending for collection

3ft x 2ft x 2ft with hood,sump and pipings

(return pump included,glass with some sacratches) - $200

Viewing by KTLK

3ft Aquaz lightset with Aquaz tube (white) -$100

Resun FR with rowas (rowas run abt 2 weeks only) - $50

Ehiem compact pump for FR(new, abt 2 weeks) - $35

A cabinet stand for chiller and skimmer - FOC depends

Jebo 3 ft MH * 150W (coralife Bulb 20K, one PL tube spoilt need to replace on own) - $150

Mushies (blue red, hairy, lime green etc , all which can found in my tank) - $20

Reserved by Peong

Lum green tip Hammer - $15 (abt 2 heads)

Reserved by Peong

Starpolys - $5

Reserved by Peong

Torch - $15 (abt 4 heads, forget liao)

Reserved by Peong

Frogspawn - $15

(Reserved by ad_aware)

Bicolor prata - $60

Dark green prata - $30

Light Green & Lime Green prata - $50

Trumpet - $15 (abt 5 heads)

Red Blasto - $15

wanna clear all by today and this weekend!!!

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thanks for those pms and enquires...taking my time to call u guys back..any case of pilot, will inform the remaining of u!


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Updates at 3.12pm

sales confirm & ready for collectionz

3ft ATI lightset with D&D tube (actnic blue) - $100

Reserved and SOLD to alieno7

3ft Aqualight lightset with aqualight tube (actnic blue) - $100

Reserved and SOLD to alieno7

1 x CL450 chiller with pump & tubing included - $150

Reserve by Syaitan

Liverocks with coraline alage (all, dun know how many kgs) - $100

Reserved by Underwater & SOLD

Skimz Beckett Skimmer with,waste collector atman pump & tubing - $300

Reserved by Kaozzz, 50% dep received and SOLD

UV Light - FOC

FOC given to Underwater

Seio 620 & 820 - $60

Reserved by vincenttan till friday, pending for collection

3ft x 2ft x 2ft with hood,sump and pipings

(return pump included,glass with some sacratches) - $200

Viewing by KTLK @ 8.30pm

3ft Aquaz lightset with Aquaz tube (white) -$100

Reserved by barnacle , pending for collection before 4pm today

A cabinet stand for chiller and skimmer -

Giving away to father in law, will post again if he changes his mind

Corals reservation listing

Mushies (blue red, hairy, lime green etc , all which can found in my tank) - $20

Reserved by Peong & pending for collection at 5pm

Lum green tip Hammer - $15 (abt 2 heads)

Reserved by Peong & pending for collection at 5pm

Starpolys - $5

Reserved by Peong & pending for collection at 5pm

Torch - $15 (abt 4 heads, forget liao)

Reserved by Peong & pending for collection at 5pm

Frogspawn - $15

Reserved by ad_aware & pendig for collection at 4.30pm -4.45pm

Remaining available items:

(1)Bicolor prata - $60

(2)Dark green prata - $30

(3)Light Green & Lime Green prata - $50

(4)Trumpet - $15 (abt 5 heads)

(5)Red Blasto - $15

Remaining equipment available items:

(1)Resun FR with rowas (rowas run abt 2 weeks only) - $50

(2)Ehiem compact pump for FR(new, abt 2 weeks) - $35

(3)Jebo 3 ft MH * 150W (coralife Bulb 20K, one PL tube spoilt need to replace on own) - $150

Thanks for all the suppoprts and still need UR ult support in these remaining sales!

Cheers. ;)

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Updates at 5.24pm

sales confirm & ready for collectionz

3ft ATI lightset with D&D tube (actnic blue) - $100

Reserved and SOLD to alien7

3ft Aqualight lightset with aqualight tube (actnic blue) - $100

Reserved and SOLD to alieno7

1 x CL450 chiller with pump & tubing included - $150

Reserve by Syaitan

Liverocks with coraline alage (all, dun know how many kgs) - $100

Reserved by Underwater & SOLD

Skimz Beckett Skimmer with,waste collector atman pump & tubing - $300

Reserved by Kaozzz, 50% dep received and SOLD

UV Light - FOC

FOC given to Underwater

Seio 620 & 820 - $60

Reserved by vincenttan till friday, pending for collection

3ft x 2ft x 2ft with hood,sump and pipings

(return pump included,glass with some sacratches) - $200

Viewing by KTLK @ 8.30pm

3ft Aquaz lightset with Aquaz tube (white) -$100


A cabinet stand for chiller and skimmer -

Giving away to father in law, will post again if he changes his mind

Corals reservation list

(1) Lum green tip Hammer - $15 (abt 2 heads) - Ad aware

(2) Torch - $15 Reserve by ad aware

Remaining available items:

(1)Bicolor prata - $60

(2)Dark green prata - $30

(3)Light Green & Lime Green prata - $50

(4)Trumpet - $15 (abt 5 heads)

(5)Red Blasto - $15

(6)Mushies (blue red, hairy, lime green etc , all which can found in my tank) - $20

(7)Starpolys - $5

(8)Torch - $15 (abt 4 heads, forget liao)

(9)Frogspawn - $15

(10)Leather - $8

Remaining equipment available items:

(1)Resun FR with rowas (rowas run abt 2 weeks only) - $50

(2)Ehiem compact pump for FR(new, abt 2 weeks) - $35

(3)Jebo 3 ft MH * 150W (coralife Bulb 20K, one PL tube spoilt need to replace on own) - $150

Thanks for all the suppoprts and still need UR ult support in these remaining sales!


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