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How to get rid of hair algae

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  • SRC Member

Bro do you have rowaphos if you do that mean the rowa exhausted. To remove the algea you need to take out all the rocks and brush out them. Reduce your photoperiod and once you remove the algea put new rowas.

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do you have any short spike sea urchin (brown or tuxedo type), try one - they scrape my rocks for algae (the long spikes ones will stripe off coralline -DONT GET THIS KIND! your algae bloom is due to your feeding/nutrients, you can tryother friendlier algae like chaetomorpha's to compete for with the hair algae for nutrients

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  • SRC Member

Your pix reminds me of the same situation months ago. There is no easy way out. Here's what I did ....

1. Weekly water change, IMPT: use only DI water

2. Remove LR with severe hair algae.

3. Reduce photo time

4. Reduce NO3 thro' nitrate reduction equipment

5. Bought a Maldives PBT from Henry and this guy was an excellent algae grazer. Even Henry could not believe it when I told him. BTW, he still got the same batch last week, worth every penny.

Now my tank is clean of the nuisance algae.

My 2 cents

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  • SRC Member
ya! i use rowaphos. Its is not very useful only last 2-3weeks the start to grow again! any chemcial or liquid product i can use?? :)


Do you use FR with the Rowaphos or just put them in a bag and dump into your sump?

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