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Chaeto in a Nano???

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Hi guys

I'm sure u guys are aware of the many benefits of having Chaetomorpha in our system... but if you are running a nano tank... the placement of these fast-spreading macroalgae can be a quite a headache...

This thread will show you the many methods this can be done...

Other experienced bros can also help contribute to make this thread as informative and complete as possible.

Enjoy :)

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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It all started with this picture of a fellow reefer placing some macroalgae in the back compartment of his 24g Nano Cube (similar to mine).


Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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I quickly looked for some at the Pasar Malam section and a kind bro sold me a nice box of very healthy Chaeto. I placed them in the back compartments. Luckily, my MH can reach the back compartments quite alright :nc:


Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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Then I realized a problem... the last compartment doesn't provide much water flow... if water is too stagnant, the Chaeto may rot especially those at the bottom. And I am sure the bottom Chaeto are not getting enough light to stay "green".

So I moved them to my main tank, clinged to some LR with maximum light exposure and very good water current.


Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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Then some bros warned me of complications I might face later... the macroalgae can easily outgrow my other corals and may form an extra large colony/colonies within my small tank. So, I bought 2 betta breeding boxes to store the Chaeto.

Problem? For sure... the betta boxes took up too much precious space and they somehow caused deflections to my water current (can see the corals swaying in all directions).


Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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The betta boxes are not too bad actually... at least the Chaeto get lots of light from the MH above it. The only major problem is water flow inside the boxes. Afraid they may rot especially at the core (not visible from outside). The Chaeto quickly outgrown the box within 2 weeks... really tight.

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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What's next? I removed the betta boxes after 2 weeks and place the Chaeto in the first and second (left to right) compartments. As these compartments are dark coz the Tunze ReefPack is blocking the MH... I went to look for a 1 foot PL lamp.

The water current in these 2 compartments are fairly good. So problem solved :lol: (for the time being)


Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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I put the PL lamp on a timer opposite the MH. So at night, the Chaeto will produce oxygen and stabilize pH with the PL lamp on. This is a common practice with scientifically proven benefits.

So... if you guys need ideas and simple advice... do PM me or just post a response in this thread.

:thanks: for your time!

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member

dear jervismun,

i understand your need for nutrient export especially in a tank as small as yours with its abundant lifestock. The limiting factor in many nano tanks tends to be nitrate levels. And having macroalgae will certainly help.

However in order for Macroalgae to be of beneficial to any extent, its essential for them to be healty. Another important factor to take into account is the actual quanity. For a tank of your size and bioload, i think that the amount of algae you have is of little use.

I know that the idea of a sump might be daunting at this point of time. However i really think you should try to think of a way of trying to grow your macroalgae somewhere else...like beside your chiller in a small tank or in fairly large container.

From what i can gather with all ur postings....i think you are considering your NC as an experiment for your future SUPER tank (trust me...this is what almost every nano owners are thinking...) hence i think your upmost goal should be trying to create as much of a self sustaining biosphere as possible...leave aesthetics for your super tank.


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thanks for sharing . do u have alternative suggestion to other algae other than cheato. my tank dun have a back compartment . probably back of my main tank .

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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dear jervismun,

i understand your need for nutrient export especially in a tank as small as yours with its abundant lifestock. The limiting factor in many nano tanks tends to be nitrate levels. And having macroalgae will certainly help.

However in order for Macroalgae to be of beneficial to any extent, its essential for them to be healty. Another important factor to take into account is the actual quanity. For a tank of your size and bioload, i think that the amount of algae you have is of little use.

I know that the idea of a sump might be daunting at this point of time. However i really think you should try to think of a way of trying to grow your macroalgae somewhere else...like beside your chiller in a small tank or in fairly large container.

From what i can gather with all ur postings....i think you are considering your NC as an experiment for your future SUPER tank (trust me...this is what almost every nano owners are thinking...) hence i think your upmost goal should be trying to create as much of a self sustaining biosphere as possible...leave aesthetics for your super tank.


The amount of Chaeto I have is of little use? :cry2: Ok I will consider having an external refugium or something but I very much like to stay with my current setup as there will be no end to it... a sump next, perhaps...

My next tank will have a refugium compartment for DSB and Chaeto... roughly 1/8 of the total water volume of 80g. Do you think it is sufficient? Again, space is a constraint and I do not want to run a couple of large tanks in my tiny little room.

Thanks again for your advice :thanks:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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thanks for sharing . do u have alternative suggestion to other algae other than cheato. my tank dun have a back compartment . probably back of my main tank .

IMO (of very limited experience), Chaeto is still the best and most stable when it comes to nutrient exporting. I have some experiences with Caulerpa (green grape) and Turtleweed... but these macroalgae also brings with them a new set of problems that can be disastrous to the biotope... if you wanna find out more, can visit my main thread. Or else, do more readings on this topic. Good luck :angel:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member

hi jervismun,

well everything is relative. I am not experienced enough to answer your question on your 80g. But as for nanos....i think if you were to look at danano's sps nano tank, the amount of macroalgae he has is pretty substantial. i don;t like to put a percentage or a number to it, but i believe its a number of times more than what you have. u don;t have to think about a huge sump but a small one would do. it would help to keep nitrates down esp if you want to keep sps.

however also take note of danano's frequency and quanity of water changes. ( 10% , once a month). That is very infrequent considering his bioload. ( I am really sorry if i am elevating danano to a demi god status rite now....)

but anyway guys don;t think turtle weed is really the sort of macroalgae that you can cultivate for nutrient export.

the sort of macroalgae that you have for nutrient export should :

1. remove nutrients!!!! ( this is not the same for every algae, think people think that caulerpa can remove more than others)

2. do not go asexual (caulerpa loves to do this)

3. relatively easy to grow (don;t think turtle weed falls in this category)

considering all that think cheato is the better. but remember guys that cheato does not grow well in UV sterilized water. and anyway growing macroalgae is IMO a hit and miss think. i tried out various other types of algae and just waited for the one to proliferate and take over my fuge.


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Hehe actually some experts use clams to help nutrient export... emm... I think a good system should encompass all levels of organism to achieve a well balanced biotope. :huh:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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just my 2 cents worth,

if memory serves me correct, I saw a reefer put the chaeto in one of the compartment in their external cansister filter (of course they will have a light shining at the cansister filter) to light up the cheato. This case there is good flow and light (24/7). :D

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Yeah I came across that thread too... one of the bros... put lots of Chaeto inside his Dolphin canister filter (transparent white canister) and shine a PL on it 24/7... I've yet to experiment that, but according to him, working perfectly fine :)

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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I have this "Cheato" - some sort of seaweed found on Changi beach?? I have been putting this in my office pico and look at the growth.

At home, my 2ft tank with sump, has half a sump full of these, I feed these "cheato" to my blue tang and foxface and they enjoy these healthy greens.

Looks like for my pico tank, I will have to harvest soon as these grows fast - although I like the greenery (like a freshwater Planted tank :D ).

These can be found on Changi beach - look for it. :lol:


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I have this "Cheato" - some sort of seaweed found on Changi beach?? I have been putting this in my office pico and look at the growth.

At home, my 2ft tank with sump, has half a sump full of these, I feed these "cheato" to my blue tang and foxface and they enjoy these healthy greens.

Looks like for my pico tank, I will have to harvest soon as these grows fast - although I like the greenery (like a freshwater Planted tank :D ).

These can be found on Changi beach - look for it. :lol:

hey bro- unfortunately that is not chaetomorpha.It looks like caulerpa species....the chaeto's look more like green brillo pad." Caulerpa are invasive and may release toxins from their stems are cut.So you may find the nano tank overun very soon! (like my little experiment on a 3 feet tank) in 2 months- was very crowded!

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