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WTB Beckett Skimmer


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i got a skimz beckette skimmer (S$480) with a collection tank (S$90) and a RIO 8000l (S$160) pump for sale.. interested?

Bought it new. it's been used only 1 week. i then migrated to a aqua medic skimmer 5000 cause i have 2 tanks to support!

the price is the amount that i paid. you may offer lower..

it is very good except that i need the 5000l skimming capacity one!

sms me at 82882228 to give me your offer la. tks


Size ye the day O while ye may, the time is still a flying,

the SPS that smiles today, tomorrow might be dying!


AquaMedic Ocean Light T150 : 2 x blue T5, 1 x 150W 16k MH

AquaMedic AquaSpacelight 2 x 250W, true blue light x 2

AquaMedic Chiller 1.25 HP

AquaMedic TurboFlotor 5000 Twin

AquaMedic Denitrator 1000

AquaMedic Calcium Reactor 1000

AquaMedic Kwaza Reactor 1000

AquaMedic Phosphate/Carbon Reactor 1000

AquaMedic Dosing Pump

AquaMedic AquaMag 1

Aqua Medic Ocean Runner 6500 x 3

Tunze 6000 Stream



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