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Anemone Injured, will it survive

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  • SRC Member

the anemone, if it doesnt look like its melting away, has every chance of recovering in good water conditions. try to feed it with foods high in HUFA fatty acids during this recovery period to aid its return to health. foods like frozen mysid shrimp and small market prawn pieces are good. try to make sure that theres good flow flowing past the anemone too to enable it to flush away wastes and dead tissue or what not that came to be during the accident.



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  • SRC Member

as bro alexgo(postalcode) quipped to me once, in quite simple but supremely accurate terms, if an anemone is sticky, it is relatively healthy. if it isnt sticky, and is limp to touch, it is in a bad way. so try touching your anemone. if it feels like its nematocysts in its tentacles are still reactive, and the slight warm feeling is still there, it is more likely than not, able to make a recovery, so attempt feeding it. if it feeds, hooray.

if its limp, id agree with bro d88p that it could create chaos in your tank by disiintegrating and fouling the water so best to remove it. and like bro andtsg suggests, a hospital quarantine tank would be the best move.

hope all goes well with your anemone. if you can take a few pics of it, do share the pics with us ya.



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How well an anemone recovers depends on its original health. For example, healthy carpet anemones can easily be fragged successfully just by slicing them in half through the mouth.

Always something more important than fish.


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