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Weekly Update - 20th to 27th March 2006

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:D Update at Ah Beng's Shop

:P Coral beauty angel, yellow angel, rusty angel, bicolor angel, regal angel, queen angel, french angel, blue face angel, singapore angel, blue lip angel ect.....

:P royal dottybacks, skunk dottybacks, strawberry dottybacks, Yellowhead Jawfish

:P tomato Clowns, common clowns, sebae clowns, maroon clowns, clarkii clowns, pink skunk clowns, orange skunk clowns, ect..

:P Blue tang (L), Clown Tangs, yellow clown goby, fire goby...

:P a few Colored Anglers

:P Octopus, cuttel fish, sea slugs, Electric Flame Scallop, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, boxer shrimp, yellow boxer shrimp, purple boxer shrimp, camel shrimp, bumble bee shrimp ect...

:lol: alot of other fishes and soft corals..

They have hawaii shipment coming in friday afternoon.

Great! Do you happen to know how much they are selling the yellow-headed jawfish and the octopus for? Thanks! :P

Yay! I'm finally free to go LFSing again! :yeah:

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update on aquamarine...


nice maximas clams.... nice color!! :lol:

red gonio

alantic blue tangs :)

coco worms

blue tangs

garden eels


orange/green short tentacle plate..

saw 1 mini black frog fish

orange cauliflower..

pink zoos


sun corals yellow/orange :angel:

mantis shrimp

randalli pistol shrimp

true percula

hear got monti coming in tonight duno true a not... :unsure::heh:

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fishes available at WAKAI..

flame angel

potter angel

yellow tang

chevron tang - 1 only

moorish idol

lots of blue tang M, L

powder blue tang

next tues coming in red sea shipment....lots of sohal n purple tang.. :lol:

view my 2ft tank thread update here!!


Tank Dimension: 24'x15'x19' with black silicon. All round 8mm.


Return Pump : Hailea HX6540

Skimmer/Chiller : Sicce 2500lph

Skimmer : Weipro 2011

Lightings: 4xT5s HO..2 20,000k & 2 Blue Pro(Aquaz) Retrofits

Chiller : Resun CL280

Auto Water Top Up

Life Stock:

More then 35kg of figi rocks

Blue Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Bristletooth tang, Clown Tang, Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Flame Angel, Six Line Wrasse, Sunrise Dottyback. 2 Cleaner Shrimp

Green Bubble, Orange Yuma, Hammer, True Octopus, Acans,

Frogspawn, Green/Orange Cyannaria, Red Prata, Red Open Brain, Star Polyp, Acan Enchinata

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  • SRC Member
How big is the octopus? I kept one last time and it lasted 3 weeks. It didn't really die in my tank but rather, it outsmarted me and died.

How did it outsmart you? It escaped? Then it wasn't very smart... to escape to an environment where it can't live. :D

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issit long or short tentacles plates? Any ideas will clown fish host at long tentacles plate? :off:

I saw some pretty long ones (large specimens) last Friday.

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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  • SRC Member

I tot ultra maximas are rather rare... how come its like popping up everywhere now ah?

Or maybe people r passing off normal maximas for the ultras...

My Tank

Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy

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Was at Irwana just now... a lot of extremely tiny clams... smallest I've ever seen!!! Didn't ask how much :pinch:

Tank 60x40x40 Optiwhite Glass Tank Sump Elos 500 w/ Tunze Overflow Protein Skimmer Skimz Kone SK1 Return Pump Hydor Seltz L30 Wavemaker Hydor K1 Illumination 150W + 2 T5 Chiller Arctica 1/5hp w/ Aquabee 1000 Water Top-up Tunze Osmolator Dosing Pumps Grotech 3-Channels Calcium Reactor Deltec PF 501 Computer Aquatronica

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