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Cleaner Shrimp ATTACK Blue Tang ??

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Bought a small cure little blue tang today. Put it into my tank and to my horror :shock: , 1 of my 2 inches long cleaner shrimp jump on top of the tang and grab it with all its legs. It hold on to the tang for around 10 second and the blue tang swim away. This happened few times in last 1 hr. Should i remove the shrimp or it is normal ?

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My cleaner shrimp jumps on my yellow tang's face whenever it can get the chance to... Evil thing! :evil:

Anyway... :off: Ever noticed how anemone shrimps jump from one rock to another? Reminds you just of the movie 'Matrix'. :lol:

Always something more important than fish.


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Hard to say...my yellow tang really has a problem recognising cleaners. It has approached my yellow watchman goby for cleaning services...my blue spiny lobster...and even my boxing crab....lucky so far I don't think my crab has punched the YT with its anemones yet. :lol:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

My CS dun really do any cleaning (lazy buggers), just stay in the tank looking pretty :lol: . I dun feed them anything special either, they eat whats leftover frm the clowns. So far CS haven't attacked any of the other fishes but they did try 2 attack a turbo snail B4 (which died eventually of other causes).

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