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Cheap Chiller for sale

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My brother is John and he is a sales agent for aquarium equipment.

I didn't buy from John because if he knew about it he will give it to me for free. He is a good brother and I owe him too much in life. So, I don't want to owe him more.

He had one unit left and he gave it to me before he left for his business trip in China on Sunday for a few weeks. He knew I need it for my aquarium.

He didn't know that I bought another same chiller from another place as I did it secretly without him knowing. If he knew about it, he'll get angry with me.

I don't have handphone myself. So, I use John's handphone as he left it with me when he is away in overseas.

This chiller I'm selling is unused and new which I bought from another shop with a few months warranty. I bought it for $420 and I'm selling it at $360/=.

There is nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of. Anyway, I know the chiller is working. Resun CL450 is a good model. I hear no complaints from my brother's customers. He sold a lot already!

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is this meant for 4ft ?

Humble tank :

Size: 4x2.5x2 ft - Display 

Equipment :

Return 1 : Ecotech marine L1

Return 2 : Ecotech marine M1

CR : Skimz CM122 - Caribsea extra course media with Grotech magnesium

Light : ATI 8x54W



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I think you guys are just too much! Give people a break! I bought a Resun chiller from John. I also bought a few other equipments from him. He's very helpful person and gave me a lot of useful advice in keeping my reeef tank. I use this chiller for coming to 2 years now and no problem. I believe both John & Mike.

In China, if you carry your hp, your phone bill will cost ya a bomb when ya get back to Singapore when many people call you!

Anyway, what's wrong of not having a HP...

Let's stop this shit unconstructive chain of mails!

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I think you guys are just too much! Give people a break! I bought a Resun chiller from John. I also bought a few other equipments from him. He's very helpful person and gave me a lot of useful advice in keeping my reeef tank. I use this chiller for coming to 2 years now and no problem. I believe both John & Mike.

In China, if you carry your hp, your phone bill will cost ya a bomb when ya get back to Singapore when many people call you!

Anyway, what's wrong of not having a HP...

Let's stop this shit unconstructive chain of mails!

Oh it u again , so u are micheal or john?

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  • SRC Member

bros, not to offend anyone but pls stop all this shooting at the thread starter.... this bro is just trying to sell a chiller ...if you are interested and

comfortable with the price and condition, just buy ...

if not interested, just read and leave the thread alone.....

its just a buy and sell thread ........

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i used 2 go china for biz. In 1 wk there, my hp bill go up to $5k! Yeh... it's better not 2 bring hp when u go China... so costly...

hi bro - learn 2 give people benefit of doubt. mayb u sell chiller too i.e. john's competitor... so u wanna kill him.

5K for one week? You are on the phone every other minute? I frequent China bringing my phone of couse :yeah:

The cost of call Sg from China is about 50cents a minute of imagine the amount of calls you need to make to chalk up 5K in 1 week. I should :bow: at you if you can hit that.

Too dubious :ph34r::ph34r:

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