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Royal Gramma

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Is the one at ML Loreto or Brazilian? Can someone confirm or not?

LCK110 is definitely Brazilian....

$32 bucks is very ex for Brazilian unless it's true that the ones at ML are Loreto... Also, there was an embargo strike at Carribbean... unless it's over...

if so, hooray! Cause Carribbean fishes are really beautful and vibrant in colours...

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guppy, those $4 to $6 range are dottybacks and not grammas...

derf, there is a difference between royal gramma and brazilian gramma... the royal gramma colours are more vibrant...

How I know? Cause I bought a brazilian and few weeks later, happen to chance upon a Royal (my friend's)... then I realise the difference...

If u get to see both, then u know what I mean... brazilian colour not so bright and vibrant... and it doesn't have that beautiful "full eyelash" as royal does...

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brazilian gramma is cheaper... i got mine for $22 a month ago...not really sure about carribean but heard its ard $25 up.... just to show u n try to compare the differnce, here's a dottyback

hey, that's a nice dotty.

mine got "molested" by a hermit crab.

slowly recovering.

my brazilian gamma quite agressive. so

far no chance to see a royal yet.

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  • SRC Member
guppy, those $4 to $6 range are dottybacks and not grammas...

derf, there is a difference between royal gramma and brazilian gramma... the royal gramma colours are more vibrant...

How I know? Cause I bought a brazilian and few weeks later, happen to chance upon a Royal (my friend's)... then I realise the difference...

If u get to see both, then u know what I mean... brazilian colour not so bright and vibrant... and it doesn't have that beautiful "full eyelash" as royal does...

yup! saw the royal gramma at ML, color's fuller, more vibrant wif the blind folded eyes. :ph34r:

my brazilian gramma looks like it did not shave for a few weeks!

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hey but its quite cute how my brazilian grazes in and ard liverocks, very curious little fellow.... and when feeding or even 'yawning', damn big mouth... hehehe... used to have a dottyback, but after having my anemone shrimp for a hefty meal, didnt like it afterwards....

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