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  • SRC Member

Which car did you rip off the motor for the window wiper water bottol from? :D

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  • SRC Member
the new part !!! .... :P

Bravo!! ...*clap clap* that is a great idea.....I mean using a 12V car wiper pump... I am setting up my auto water top up system at the moment and looking for a 230V ph for the job.... now will probably go to the scrap yard instead.....

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Bro Anthony,

Great idea.

Thank You for sharing


6.5 * 2 * 2 + 3.75 * 1.5 *1.5,(Decomn on 14/9/08)
4*2*2 + 2.5*1.25*1.25 (Decomn on 1/8/09)
5*2*2 (Fully LED light system, 140 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)
2.5*2*2(Fully LED Light System,96 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)

5*2.5*2(LED only)

Eheim return 1 * pump

1 HP Daikin compressor with cooling coil
2 Jebao OW40, 1 ecotech MP40,
1X6085 Tunze wm,

1 CURVE 7 Skimmer

  1 DIY 80 led control by Bluefish mini 

1 radion XR30W G2, 2 Radion XR15G3

Sump area lite by 5 ft T5 , 6 * SSC 3 watt red LED for refugium

1 Full spectrum E27 led light

1 CR control by bubble count

Start No Water Change since 1st Dec 2016

Add new 2.5x2x 1.5 ft 



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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I just stumbled onto the idea :idea: .... n it's really quite neat ... no big PH to deal with n don't need 240V supply in water .... very scary ... think this would be really ideal ....


Where is the wiper pump? I can't locate it. a bit lau hwa yan. he he..

how much is the pump? where to get it. Thanks

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  • SRC Member

hey guys ,

this is my own improved version :rolleyes: to the one given by ervine .... it's all DIY !!! It has no relation to the TUBBY !!!

As DIY goes u can use watever u deem right as long as it works :lol::lol: LED , Air raid siren ... smoke detector .... watever ... :lol::lol:

As for the wiper... got fm a old car lah .... FOC though :yeah:

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  • SRC Member
Where do I find an old car?

BTW, anyway to make this whole ting smaller?

Old car donno... how to make it smaller? You mean the container? Too small a container no point coz it can't store enough water (usually mine lasts for 2 weeks straight)

If you are talking about the controller (i.e. the electronics) not likely either because all the items take up space

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  • SRC Member

Old car donno... how to make it smaller? You mean the container? Too small a container no point coz it can't store enough water (usually mine lasts for 2 weeks straight)

If you are talking about the controller (i.e. the electronics) not likely either because all the items take up space

dun understand y u 1 a smaller container ... might as well top up on your own then :lol::lol::lol:

Also , the size of the DIY box is dependent on individual .... basically how good r u with the soldering iron ... :whistle:thanks:

ervine ... thanks for the great design :bow: ... made my life so much easier with the top up system .... now can really enjoy watching the tank ... ( added a CA reactor too ) .... full throttle ahead ;)

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  • SRC Member
ervine ... thanks for the great design :bow: ... made my life so much easier with the top up system .... now can really enjoy watching the tank ... ( added a CA reactor too ) .... full throttle ahead ;)

Sure thing.. it made my life a whole lot easier too!! (and my dad's coz he looks after my tank while I mug away in uni)

Of course I'm happy to see that people are "upgrading" my (well not really mine) design... the more ideas the better!!

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  • SRC Member
anymore great ideas/design ???

Uni ... NUS/NTU ... EEE/MPE/CSE? :snore:


NUS.. aki actually...

Would be great if someone could remake the electronics into purely solid state and make the box a lot smaller and neater.... maybe design the circuit then send it for etching or whatever they call it... to make it into a proper circuit board, rather than a mess of wires running around...

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