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  • SRC Member


OK, we all know the importance of QT-ing new livestock before introducing into main display tank. But as the word QT rattles out thru our mouth, I believe different reefers has different methods.

So, wat exactly does the experts do during QT e.g. new fishes?

Will any expert reefers (ONLY) pls answer the below question?

1) Separate tank or betta box in main tank?

2) How long the acclimatisation period?

3) Any condition/agents introduced to cure the fish? If yes, what is it?

4) How long the QT period?

5) Was Hyposalinity conducted on the new fish as well?

6) So far, any fatality / crash with ur above method?

Any other important input is much appreciated if I left out any. Thanks!

I believe ur input will help many of us newbies (count me as one too) save lotsa fishes' lives. :lol:

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Bro, you used the word experts very scary doubt got any bros dare to reply.

I am not expert but here's what I do with success so far.

Setup QT, keep all fish in QT under normal condition (SG) w/o use of copper for 2 weeks. Observe for signs of ich.

No signs of ich then you may introduce the fish into main tank.

If ich infection then either apply hypo for 2 weeks or use copper at 0.5mg/l for 2 weeks.

Note for hypo at 2 weeks, you will need to shift the fish to another QT and raise the salinity back to normal levels before transfering the fishes back to the main tank.

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  • SRC Member

No one will actually say that they are expert but more experience. Of course if you are a marine biologist. Anyway, these questions do not require "expert only" answers.

My view is as:

1) Separate tank or betta box in main tank?

Betta box in Main tank is not considered a QT!

2) How long the acclimatisation period?

Acclimatisation period 1-2 hrs.

3) Any condition/agents introduced to cure the fish? If yes, what is it?

Garlie mixed food to induce fish to eat. Hypo if notice parasite. I dun any medication. Hypo or die.

4) How long the QT period?

Quarantine period 1 month for me.

5) Was Hyposalinity conducted on the new fish as well?

No unless got infection.

6) So far, any fatality / crash with ur above method?

Fatality occurs when fishes dun eats even with garlic mix. Fatality in my QT since it was setup: 1 coral beauty (not eating), clown (fighting). I did not or will not QT fishes like bleenie or mandarin dagronet or gobie.


30G Corner Tank with 10G Sump, 2 x 24W artinic T5, 1 x 24W 10K, 1x 24W 20K, 3" Grade 0 sand & Live rocks, Activated Carbon, Bio-home, 2 x Seio M620, Hailea 1/2HP Chiller, Redsea Pro Skimmer

Live Stock:

Turbo Snail x 1, Green Mandarin Dragonet X 2, Blue Tang X 2, True percular x 2, 1 x Algae Bleenie, Clarke clown x 2


1 x 2" Blue maxima, Red/Brown/Purple Mushroom (Discosoma), Pink Ricordea yuma, A little colony Brown/Green common Zoanthus, Red/Pink/Green US Zoanthus, Eagle-eye Zoathus, 14 Branch Goniopora Pandoraensis, 1 Starburst Polyps, 3 + 2 Branch Frogspawn, 4 Blasto, palythoa, Cheato

RIPs (Since June 2005):

1. Sabae clown (KO by Clarke clown) 2. 1 branch melted frogspawn 4 branch 3. Golden maxima (Ripe the base off rock by me) 4. Algae Bleenie x 2 (Starvation) 5. Blue Maxima x 1, 2 x Maxima, 1 x frogspawn, rics (Overtemp...)

Old 30G Corner Tank.

Restarted 30G Corner Tank.

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  • SRC Member

haha, i guess the term "expert' really scare off the less confident ones.

Should have put "experienced' reefers. But thanks for the 2 inputs above!

using the term 'expert' is to prevent some nothing to do newbies, for e.g., from posting "ah~ wat's QT, i just dump the fish along with the water in the packet in, so far no problem! Tank is only 2 weeks old". ITs to prevent stuffs like this lah

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  • SRC Member

I don't have QT tank. I just let them acclimatise to my tank water.

1) Put whole plastic bag which the fish came w/ into tank to

get it to acclimatise to tank temperature.

(about 1/2 hr.)

2) Open bag & take about 10% water out & replace w/ tank water.

(drip if its an expensive fish)

3) Repeat step 2 in increasing %.

4) Sumerge bag in tank at a dark/ isolated corner. Let it swim

out & hide in the rock scape.

So far so good. Nothing died from this method.

Earlier dayz (uneducated reefer) when i just threw them in,

i lost 1 damsel & 2 nemos.


I have dripping control from hospital. (get from nurse) :paiseh:

I also have normal drip vavle (plastic) if U prefer. (spare)

If U need DIY dripper let me know. B)

Dun forget to chio me when U wanna chiong LFS :evil:

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  • 4 months later...
  • SRC Member

i was never good with QTs... i think i've lost more LS in my QT than in my main tank... i just acclimatize it by putting the bag in my tank then add a small % of the tank water every 10 mins for one hour... then after that, I simply take out the bag, scoop the LS out and put it in the tank... :)

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