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Wat type of "pilot" have you encounter here


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  andysho said:
I think worse of all is to meet outside , then never turn up

That why i never meet outside. I had blacklist all the pilot and i not going to deal with them anymore. I hate those who reserved and end up MIA and not even with a reply. :lol:

6x2.5x2.5 (GEO AQUATIC)

Aquamedic Turboflotor 5000Baby

Aquamedic NR1000

Aquamedic KR1000

Aquamedic Niveaumat

Aquamedic Ozone

RM Fluidised Reactor

Tunze 6060x3

Resun C1000

Aqualight 2x250w + 150w MH

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  monsterz1975 said:

That why i never meet outside. I had blacklist all the pilot and i not going to deal with them anymore. I hate those who reserved and end up MIA and not even with a reply. :lol:

am i consider one of it? dude? :P

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  monsterz1975 said:

That why i never meet outside. I had blacklist all the pilot and i not going to deal with them anymore. I hate those who reserved and end up MIA and not even with a reply. :lol:

Yes, same as Monster. I have blacklisted the list of pilots, no more deal w them.

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Yeah.. I've encountered once. bloody guy don't even have the decency to call or sms.. whats up with these people? They have HPs but can't even SMS to say not coming or dun want already.. is it so difficult to sms?!! :angry:

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  arcanehacker said:
Yeah.. I've encountered once. bloody guy don't even have the decency to call or sms.. whats up with these people? They have HPs but can't even SMS to say not coming or dun want already.. is it so difficult to sms?!! :angry:

best is some even have to cheek to ask you again on your next sales......they seems to have short memory also......

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  iantoh said:
what about those that bargain till you give in, then request you to reserve first, only to call you a few days later to tell you to meet them at their nearest mrt.

yeap...got one that SMS me whole night to try to convince me to pass him the fish....then later tell me to pack and meet him at a bus stop.... :blink::blink:

i stop replying after that laio.... :lol:

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  dleecool said:
WHy nobody enccounter seller pilot?? :)

I encounter once even I paid deposit and he back out the sales!!! But refund me of cos!!! :P

at least he is still contactable and refunded deposit.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  tineng said:

best is some even have to cheek to ask you again on your next sales......they seems to have short memory also......

Come to think of it... yeah.. I encountered them before.. bloody guy can PM me again for another thing.. Luckily I remembered his nick so I just ignored him..

BTW all I've encountered are not from here though.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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i meet one when he tell me will collect coral on weekend sat

at first say 1pm then later never come i call he say 5pm then again never come

i wait wait wait then he i call him he sae sorry he will definitely come on sunday

he say until very confirm

then on sunday...again he never come!

iw asted 2 days waiting for him to collect his coral.

i will always remember who he is! :angry:

ever since then i learn to choose who to deal with

certain people u can tell from their pm to u if they are the pilot sorts :lol:

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Hey bro! that fellow sounds like one pilot i encounter before..

Rush me to make overflow pipe for him, work thru the nite to make for him. next day dun come. call him say next week.. din turn up again .. call him say tomorrow..

din turn up .. call him say meet me at LFS. bring it out for him waited for 2 hrs din turn up .. call him again .. still sleeping.. :pirate:

2 weeks later he call me say he needs it urgently .. although i still have it but i rather lose the money i spend on the overflow pipe than to sell to him. so i told him i sold to others already .. he can still get angry and slam my phone .. :blink:

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  shoelevy said:
i meet one when he tell me will collect coral on weekend sat

at first say 1pm then later never come i call he say 5pm then again never come

i wait wait wait then he i call him he sae sorry he will definitely come on sunday

he say until very confirm

then on sunday...again he never come!

iw asted 2 days waiting for him to collect his coral.

i will always remember who he is! :angry:

ever since then i learn to choose who to deal with

certain people u can tell from their pm to u if they are the pilot sorts :lol:

fickle minded bast**d.. :P

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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yea, i have a few on my blacklist too. some can really come up with a really convincing "please reserve for me cuz i will surely get from you and i will never pilot bla bla bla" and made me reserve it for them for weeks then suddenly went silent even after numerous pm's.

but there's one bas***d here that i'l never forget as after many negotiations on price n finally agree then tell me he not enough money... wtf? so need some time to get it. so being the idiot i actually pity him n agreed to reserve for him for 2 weeks. after 2 weeks he say he's busy with exam, in malaysia now bla bla bla. then he promise on a date n time to collect from my house. so i waited like a fool and he avoided my calls n pm's. what a bas***d...

i dont understand this kinda ppl, not that we force them to buy.. but i guess they are getting a kick out of pissing or fooling others out...

i'm really pissed n on the verge to list their nicks here.. grrr

so to those pilot's out there and you know who you are... screw you!

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  BFG said:
Wah reading from this thread, I fearful for my upcoming sale leh. Let's see what happens.

whats to be fearful??!!.. nevermind lah.. just take note of those various stuff mentioned. Like if you need to wait for someone, dun be silly and wait for long.. max 10mins then SMS him. If no reply, go off.

if wait at your home, same deal.. don't waste 2 days :rolleyes::P ..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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those price slashing pilots remind me of one case..

slash the price like nobody business then rush out the things for him never answer phone calls.. weeks later .. finally got him .. he say ... " I have other plans fpr the tank liao" din even say sollie!

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