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Aqua Science T5


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Hey where is ur kakis Mr evil , this time round no one to back you up? If you are a gentleman who can stand firm on your feet , today you will not have such ending all alone with all the rockets firing at you . What you trying to show by asking Mr THC out to talk ? How heavy you are ? Ganster ? Maybe changi is a good place for you where the prison is or the changi village is , anyway both suit you . Good luck evil man. A person with brain will let the fingers do the talking than showing his fist.

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I'd suggest that everyone else shut up, and no need to add oil to fire. How does it benefit you? You earning a dollar a post ah?

As for the main parties involved, you guys really need to sort this out amongst yourselves and come back later to this thread to clear everything up. I am not taking sides. I have aeroplaned Ben before. Sorry, my bad. I know Razali as a casual friend, thats all. And THC, I do not have the honour of meeting him yet.

As for all the califares, extras and buggers who have nothing else better to do, go somewhere else and do something constructive. Answer all the newbie questions and help these newbies in their new found hobby.

Are you trying to show the rest what a lousy hobby this can be? Or would you prefer to show the rest what a great hobby this can be?

All that is fact or fiction has already been said by all parties. We will just leave the rest of the public to read themselves and judge for themselves.

If you think you got nothing else better to do, simple, go find some girl, take some videos with your handphone, send to me, then I help you publise. Then you can be Tammy 2. Want or not?

I want to make this clear. I am not doing this for SRC to be a better place. I am just doing it for the sake of all marine hobbist.

JEEZ!!! Grow up already! <_<

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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Sorry this has been in my mind for quite some time. :P

Is there a reason to meet up? To discuss about T5 issue or business partnership? :D

For me, drink Kopi and TCSS can, but about T5 issue :angel: I rather sleep or stay at home feed fishes and see fishes swim better. :rolleyes:

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we have every reason to know the truth...as there was a MISREPRESENTATION on the products that were offer for sale here.

If we never get involve and THC or other keyboard hero never get involve, they will be lots of ppl gonna con..so its not just a pop corn session for us.. but for us to learn abt the Fraud...and possible cheating scam,..

Be it a innoncent misrepresentation, negligent or Fradulent misrepresentation, as the consumer/potential clients, we have the rights to know it....

btw,,where my doggie run to...some mod here del it..i love my dog..

ah buk becoz of u my doggie got"run away"

would u want to come in SRC and see a claim..this skimmer perform 50 % better than deltec..and hns..then so good so good review..

buy liao..then find that is a waste of $$$..all the statements were untrue..then how,.. no keyboard hero to inform u...just another 1 sided forum where info...transit...without checks...

that why i say its a educational thread....let us know more abt germany tubes..thanks to DE and THC..they teach me alot on t5....from DD to ATI....i am not a t5 user yet...

I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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us,Apr 3 2006, 09:54 PM]

Just an observation: I don't see any new nicks here. Most of them are registered quite some time ago. I clicked on their nicks and viewed their profile. The date joined is there. ;) Anyway, this is a forum, anyone who is a registered member should be allowed to post their replies. I don't see any restrictions here.

well, in this forum, there are a lot of shady ppl. Nick only comes out for attack. Check on all their post and you can see…….

Why not get AT to check on all the user’s in this tread? Than the truth will be out.

Im beginning to enjoy this tread.

If you look at it, Daniel and Ben are also doing the same business (Simple Gadget and Horizon Ventures). Looking at their attitude and the way they speak, you will guess how they are in person.

Im asking the both of them out is to understand why they are attacking me in such manner? If you can explain to me in this forum, I will than rest my case.

You need more that this to bring someone down.

As for my company, we are supplying our products to the local LFS and also exporting to the neighboring countries. If you have work with me before, or have deal directly with me, you will know what type of person I am.

This will benefit all parties (wholesaler, LFS, consumer)

I will send the article that was written in Germany of the T5 Comparison between the Aqua Science tubes vs ATI. The link will be written in German.

To be continued…..

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so far i have tried your DE lights before.. 2nd hand..no complaints work fine.. :bow:

i mean MH....ballast... using blv bulbs...

we need to know the truth...if we can get a reasonable clarification of the comparsion of t5 from a trusted source then...u win your claims... but need to prove it...


I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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well, in this forum, there are a lot of shady ppl. Nick only comes out for attack. Check on all their post and you can see…….

Why not get AT to check on all the user’s in this tread? Than the truth will be out.

Im beginning to enjoy this tread.

If you look at it, Daniel and Ben are also doing the same business (Simple Gadget and Horizon Ventures). Looking at their attitude and the way they speak, you will guess how they are in person.

Im asking the both of them out is to understand why they are attacking me in such manner? If you can explain to me in this forum, I will than rest my case.

You need more that this to bring someone down.

As for my company, we are supplying our products to the local LFS and also exporting to the neighboring countries. If you have work with me before, or have deal directly with me, you will know what type of person I am.

This will benefit all parties (wholesaler, LFS, consumer)

I will send the article that was written in Germany of the T5 Comparison between the Aqua Science tubes vs ATI. The link will be written in German.

To be continued…..

Seems to me that there is more than 1 party here that has issues with you. Are you suggesting that they are all THC and Ben? You have to be clearer on your claims. So far your track record for substantiate your claims are not too good.

Ah, I suppose you have obtained the information from the article, so you are qualified to translate the information from German and relate to us in Singapore, right?

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Good day to you Mr DE,

Please answer to the topic and do not try to divert attention of the viewers. This is about misrepresentation of facts to boost sales of the untested T5 tubes. I’ve already found out the truth about this tube and its origin, and I only wanted see you type it here with your hands…

Like you have said,

As for my product, i have the right to dictate the prices of what i deem is right. If you think its overprice in some ways, as a consumer, you have the right not to buy it.

So if you are really not happy with the price, pls don’t buy!

There are so many undesirable things you did that warrants the attention of reefers here. The Aquarama payment issue, the backstabbing issues and many other issues that I feel I shouldn’t be mentioning for this is about the untested T5.

We should be keeping to the topic, why present untruthful information when you knew it??

I do agree that I have shown some attitude towards you, but that is only natural of me to do so. After all, you are the one who presented false fact and tried to cover it up with some unconvincing answers. What made this worst are your calls to reefers/sponsors claiming innocents…In fact some of them that you have called are also answering to this thread defending you but claiming they aren’t…

I have mentioned many times, please do not drag uninvolved reefers into this.

And lastly, please accept my apologies if I have used words that are hurting, as my vocab is limited for suitable words to describe my feeling….

Cheers and You Enjoy the rest of Your Day


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If you look at it, Daniel and Ben are also doing the same business (Simple Gadget and Horizon Ventures). Looking at their attitude and the way they speak, you will guess how they are in person.

Im asking the both of them out is to understand why they are attacking me in such manner? If you can explain to me in this forum, I will than rest my case.

Up to now, you still have no idea why this thread started. DO YOU?

Then let me enlighten you. It's what you claimed in your Aqua Science T5 that got this started.

You just have to explain why the discrepancy in your chart and from the manufacturer? That is all. That's what the consumers want to know.


How others do business is NONE of your BIZ. Just have to MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Would you question Temasek Holding why they want to buy Shinco or Standard Chart? Is that your problem?

Just have to address the REAL issue here and not try to distract others with how they run their biz. You had even asked your german distributor to come in SRC to explain, but with no vail.

I will send the article that was written in Germany of the T5 Comparison between the Aqua Science tubes vs ATI. The link will be written in German.

Now you claim that you have an article written in germany of T5 Comparison btw AQUASCIENCE & ATI. Is this article written by your distributor that runs the biggest forum in Gremany??

In germany i write till 6 years in the biggest online community as an moderator and this i do not because i make commercial of my products. - SEE PG 11

Is this going to be a 1 sided comparsion?????

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Im asking the both of them out is to understand why they are attacking me in such manner? If you can explain to me in this forum, I will than rest my case.

What's there to settle when it's abt T5 tubes? Anyway,did you ask me out? I have yet to receive a call from you.

I suggest you settle the tubes issue here better lar. Then you can think of asking me out.

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In case you wanna link this study on the tubes...

Don;t know wat study ???

If i understand correctly, the names below the charts are the testers lab....How come two different LAB ah????


Information takened from www.korallenriff.de

Hi Mr Daniel,

Indeed you have done alot of reading. Yes, the comparison was posted in www.korallenriff.de .

It is showing the the Aqua Science tubes produces 3300 lumen compare to the ATI which produces 2700 lumen.

The names below the chart are showing the two brand of tubes that was tested. It was done on the same place by an independant party in Germany. The chart is a comparison of both tubes. After this test, they have written about the different type of tubes and their views.

This does not involve the Distributor of the mention tubes.

I will get approval to post the translation of this article in English.

Like i mention before, the decision is still base on the enduser. Im bring in this tubes to give more choices for the consumer. No matter how good the tubes are, it will still base on individual liking and preference.

They may be using China tubes and very happy with it.

On the rumours that you have heared, it may be a one sided story. So, the best way to clarify this is to hear on both ends. In that way, you will know if he is a friend or a foe. Can be trusted or to avoid...

I have learn alot of lessons after doing this commercially.

If im not honest, i will not be what i am now. I still have all the support from the LFS, Freelancers, Suppliers, Tank makers etc.

Im still keen to chat with you so that it will clear your negative doubts towards me. i have no hatred against u so why the harm on listening to the order side of the story?

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Mr DE,

Think i have not made myself clear...The truth about this tube is from Mr Claude himself not jus one sided story..Would you doubt Mr Claude's words???

And thank you for offering to translate the article...i'll be doing it with my friends help...

Anyway if you probe further, you will see that there are few articles on ATI's positive effects on corals in the site that i've linked

ATI Good STuff, Non falsified info.

I'll post the charts that you deleted earlier and from there reefers will see that they are the same charts.



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Mr DE,

Think i have not made myself clear...The truth about this tube is from Mr Claude himself not jus one sided story..Would you doubt Mr Claude's words???

And thank you for offering to translate the article...i'll be doing it with my friends help...

Anyway if you probe further, you will see that there are few articles on ATI's positive effects on corals in the site that i've linked

ATI Good STuff, Non falsified info.

I'll post the charts that you deleted earlier and from there reefers will see that they are the same charts.



Hi MR Daniel,

Whatever it is, you are very defensive in the ATI brand. If you are an ATI fanatic, by all means get the tubes.

No doubt the old ATI from Narva was good. But the new batches are produce from Sylvania.

Why the change from Narva to Sylvania?

I have send my contact to you via pm and also ask you politely for your contact. why so sascastic with you reply? I ve seriously have no relationship/business dealing with you. No reason why should i have your number with me. And why should i get from other ppl or other means just to get your ctc? When you are here which rightfully i should get from u?

Not interested in meeting? Not interested in chatting on the phone?

I guess we should discuss here in the forum instead.....

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Can you substantiate your info that ATI was originally made by Narva and now made by Sylvania? I don't think I can find this info at the ATI website.

But come to think about it, it really aren't my business, as long as they continue to produce T5s. And I don't see how is it your concern too.

I believe the discussion here is about Aqua Science tubes. Let's keep our focus...

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No doubt the old ATI from Narva was good. But the new batches are produce from Sylvania.

Why the change from Narva to Sylvania?

Are you trying to say the new batch of ATI is no good or being produced by Sylvania is no good. How can you attest your statement? You are so resorceful, DE! You are my IDOL!

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I have been reading what's happening and I really do not want to step in because this is clearly business politics from two competitors (and their partners/supporters/distributors) who have common interest to see a clear win, mainly their own. :pinch:

I strongly urge that both parties keep to facts and refrain from casting allegations on each other's characters because there will be no clear winners on this, the damage to both parties will impact both of you.

I strongly urge that you TELL your supporters this too. Keep away from pouring oil to fire or risk being burnt. Singapore is too small, we KNOW who has vested interests in WHAT business. :heh:

Just keep to posting clear facts in a cordial manner, DON'T comply and I'll close this thread down. :nuke:

All others: Be nice now or be quiet. :pirate:

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I shall comment from a neutral standpoint. Firstly, I have tried ATI Aquablue specials before and ATI is really one of the best brands of T5s around. Even after 1.5 years, the lights were still going strong. Secondly, the AquaScience tubes at $40+ is not exactly overpriced. When ATI first entered the marine industry here, 4 ft Aquablue Special tubes were retailing for $60+ per tube. Spectrum charts are not a reliable way to judge light intensity. The way is to use a lux meter. I have said my piece.

Always something more important than fish.


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