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Aqua Science T5


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Hello THC,

I have not gotten any reply from Dr Evil yet. I m asking becos I have some very bad experience w MH tubes made in China.

To share the experience, I have bot 2 pcs of 150W dual end MH tubes during the last Aquarama from a China vendor/exhibitor. Think the brand is TF or something like that. They claim the arc was made by Venture and spectrum + intensity can hold for a year at least, unlike some other China brands in the market, which is manufacture domestically, sepctrum will run, intensity will drop after few months usage.

After running the tubes for 2 months, cyno and wat ever aglae start to boom like no body biz, which indicate spectrum has indeed shifted. During the 3rd month, both bulb burn one month after another. This has shattered my confidence on China made MH bulbs. Therefore nowadays I prefer to pay a bit more for germans MH tubes and achieved the desired results. So far the german MH tubes have not given me any problem at all.

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  Tigger said:
Hello THC,

I have not gotten any reply from Dr Evil yet. I m asking becos I have some very bad experience w MH tubes made in China.

To share the experience, I have bot 2 pcs of 150W dual end MH tubes during the last Aquarama from a China vendor/exhibitor. Think the brand is TF or something like that. They claim the arc was made by Venture and spectrum + intensity can hold for a year at least, unlike some other China brands in the market, which is manufacture domestically, sepctrum will run, intensity will drop after few months usage.

After running the tubes for 2 months, cyno and wat ever aglae start to boom like no body biz, which indicate spectrum has indeed shifted. During the 3rd month, both bulb burn one month after another. This has shattered my confidence on China made MH bulbs. Therefore nowadays I prefer to pay a bit more for germans MH tubes and achieved the desired results. So far the german MH tubes have not given me any problem at all.

That's bad!! Anyway his bulbs are made in China, he bought it in at dirt cheap price and branded it DElux....Guess the spectrun charts are in Chinese, that's why he can't produce the specs. ;)

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Having used t5s for over 5 years i agree with Fauna Marin that T5 tubes will loose a lot of spectrum within 6 months.

I have used almost every tube on the market and find that most tubes will use loose the spectrum.

When t5s firts came out they were suppose to last 5 years , this was all marketing hype. T5s will run for 2 yrs plus but the big thing is the spectrum loss after 6 months.

I find that some SPS corals dont do as well after 8-9 months.

I dont see the big deal about the chart anyway as they dont mean much to me and find the best way is to try the bulb out.

Has anyone heard of t6 bulbs? i understand these are going to be better than t5s.

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Guys if you people want to order some equipments i would advise you people to buy direct from dealer or LFS cause some company like to help customer to order and undercut , trying to make some $ from the order so you may end up paying more $ , example company like De End Lighting.

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  alois said:
Having used t5s for over 5 years i agree with Fauna Marin that T5 tubes will loose a lot of spectrum within 6 months.

I have used almost every tube on the market and find that most tubes will use loose the spectrum.

When t5s firts came out they were suppose to last 5 years ,  this was all marketing hype. T5s will run for 2 yrs plus but the big thing is the spectrum loss after 6 months.

I find that some SPS corals dont do as well after  8-9 months.

I dont see the big deal about the chart anyway as they dont mean much to me and find the best way is to try  the bulb out.

Has anyone heard of t6 bulbs?  i understand these are going to be better than t5s.

I do agree the spectrum will shift, but they don't shift totally. Spectrum shift is gradual...

The way he put it is like the spectrum will shift to unusable state after 6 months.

We do know it'll shift, but the rate of decay is very important...In this case ATI is still usable upto 20 months.....

Mr Claude's tube hasn't been tested therefore we do not know whether it is as claimed, 20% stronger than ATI....His sole distributor here is sure one person that'll give a bad name to this untested tube.....even if it's a good tube.

From my understanding, stronger tubes will normally have shorter life span and the spectrum shift is faster. ATI could have gotten the correct formula for producing tubes that can last a longer period....



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Now the shift is not only in "spectrum of T5" but the actual topic of discussion, see below:

1) Aquascience bulbs is 20% better than ATI

2) ATI is no longer in the market

3) Deletion of posts that were found to contains errors

4) Selling products of dubious quality (Water Top Up)

5) Blaming everyone but himself for the errors

6) Getting people to provide "Good Reviews" by offering to sell at lower price

7) Not wanting to invest but uses bulk orders as a pretext to get "Capital" for his business

8) Selling products that he is unfamiliar with (PO4 remover)

9) Undercutting and selling products that he have no rights to carry (Skimmer)

10) Getting his supplier to distract the topic by bringing up issues on spectrum shift of T5s

Perfect ten! :D

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  hmkui said:

bro... i think you better buy a pop corn machine to stand by lah!!! :lol::lol:

i want to join in for popcon session can? :P:lol: one was down and one is going to and wonder who will be the next target... :lol::lol::lol:

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  Reefaholic said:


Popcorn session on... :D

Er..... Are we talking about hundreds thousand dollars business here?? :yeah:


It's not about "hundred thousand business".. It's about honesty and integrity..

I know he has drag alot of unrelated people into this and that is his usual style.

I believe alot had been taken by his OSCAR winning act....I really Hope you are not one of them....



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  thc said:
It's not about "hundred thousand business".. It's about honesty and integrity..

I know he has drag alot of unrelated people into this and that is his usual style.

I believe alot had been taken by his OSCAR winning act....I really Hope you are not one of them....




Dan, no worries, i have not and will not be bought into his act. Never deal with him before. :lol: But that german guy doesnt speak good english, i hope what he says are not mis-interpreted.

I only a Spectator. keeping this thread alive. :P

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actually his just a businessman, just a investment that went down drain.

however he dig his own grave by not responding to reefers enquiries and del it..

false info (misrepresentation) :angry:

Now he even ask reefers if they are interested in deltec and Bubbleking.. and wanted to sell it.. that kinda foolish as he should wait for some time to cool down... before proposing to bring in other products... :angry:


will we be more forgiving if de operate a LFS...rather than a sponsor here.....? :off:

I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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He dragged alot of unrelated people into this and that is his usual style.

I believe alot had been taken by his OSCAR winning act....I really Hope you are not one of them....

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  Reefaholic said:

?? :blink:

Who was down? :D

Who is going to? :P

Wow, you also popcorn eater or movie addict? :yeah:

hey, how do you know i am a popcorn earter and movie addict :P always see such things happen here... one after another :blink: i guess it has become a culture here already :yeah: :

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Hi Daniel,

I guess you are having fun here? Getting a few kakis to kick up the fuss. It’s such a disgrace to see the bad side of Singaporean way to do business like u? You are indeed a keyboard heroes :lol: kudos.

As most ppl know, this attack is mainly because they are my competitor and cannot accept the fact of being a loser. Using this type of disgraceful tactics to bring someone down by giving false accusation. Is this your way to be successful?

Daniel and Ben working together (Horizon Ventures) and now, in another forum as Simple Ideas. Cannot succeed in doing lights and now this? Cummon guys, grow up…

So what you want to achieve with this?

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Mr DE,

When are you gonna learn your manners! Don’t even have the courtesy to address me as MR.

By now you would have told a lot of people about my link with Ben and a LFS thru phone behind me. You would have also pleaded for help from these people that you called. Some were taken in by your acts and some jus laugh it off. Why don’t you tell them a more complete story and let them be the judge.

You say I uses disgraceful tactic to bring you down, but these tactics I’m only learning from you. Only I do it openly and you do it behind the scene.

Business strategy;

*Beg fellow friends for contacts claiming tt he is just a fellow hobbyist and DIY guy

*Undercut the very people that gives him the contact/knowhow

*Re-packaged inferior products and sell at hefty price

*Before marketing, offer some reefer a discounted rate for his product to give Positive Review

*Delete/Edit if all else fails

I’ll keep my post short so that you can read better…


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You SHOULD be the ONE to GROW up. All this while, this disucssion is abt the Aqua Science T5 Tubes. We are questioning your integrity of doing business. WHY THE 20% HIGHER IN CHART? Still No ANSWER from your end. ACT BLUR CAN LIAO.

Why you so bothered abt how others do theirs business when you CANT even manage you own well. If all those that posted are Daniel's Kakis, then why you tried to call them and gather their support?

How Simple Idea and Horizon Ventures works are not your Business. IF i can PROVIDE YOU with the contact to the manufacter, Why cant I do the same to the 2 sponsors?

How do you define as "Cannot succeed in doing lighting"? Any proof that it's not doing well? PLS, DONT DO THIS MISTAKE AGAIN. GET YOUR FACTS RITE BEFORE YOU POST ANYTHING THAT YOU ARE TOTALLY NOT SURE.

BTW, I didnt need to show you any manners.

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"You can bring the horses to the river but you cant force them to drink." I am very sure those refeers who posted here must have encountered some form of unhappiness with you. If not, you think they all so KAKI with daniel?

Daniel, you must Either be the most love refeer in SRC or you KEEP Treating Coffee to them. That why they "support" you.

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  thc said:
Mr DE,

When are you gonna learn your manners! Don’t even have the courtesy to address me as MR.

By now you would have told a lot of people about my link with Ben and a LFS thru phone behind me. You would have also pleaded for help from these people that you called. Some were taken in by your acts and some jus laugh it off. Why don’t you tell them a more complete story and let them be the judge.

You say I uses disgraceful tactic to bring you down, but these tactics I’m only learning from you. Only I do it openly and you do it behind the scene.

Business strategy;

*Beg fellow friends for contacts claiming tt he is just a fellow hobbyist and DIY guy

*Undercut the very people that gives him the contact/knowhow

*Re-packaged inferior products and sell at hefty price

*Before marketing, offer some reefer a discounted rate for his product to give Positive Review

*Delete/Edit if all else fails

I’ll keep my post short so that you can read better…


Hi Mr Daniel,

That is the problem with you. Listening on one side of the story and of course you will have a one side answer.

I have talk to Aquamarin on this as im trying to understand why you are acting this way as i do not have anything against u. Im not looking for sympathy but for an answer? I dont know u as a person but u are acting very childish this way.

If you are a gentleman enough, why not we meet up and we table this up? Or u still want to be a keyboard hero?

For all the problems i face with Ben, we have table this up with the manufacture/supplier and it is history. Im still willing to support him but he have rejected the offer. So, the choise is still up to him.

As for my product, i have the right to dictate the prices of what i deem is right. If you think its overprice in some ways, as a consumer, you have the right not to buy it.

Put your product

http://www.another forum/forums/index.php?showtopic=980

what makes the product worth sgd245? if it only consist of a temp controller which is the most costly item? I guess everyone know the price of a temp controller.

So does this called over priced?

Im giving discount on a new product for my customers to test but i have never ask them to give a one sided review. Pls quote the reefer if you know them

what a sleezy person you are.

Just one word to you, if you have the balls, meet up and we table this up. why want to be a keyboard hero if you think that you are right????

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