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Aqua Science T5


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Now I finally found the real T5. ATI is not only the best, it is just beyond word can describe. Super super super bright! and the blue is super super blue ! ! :bow::bow::bow:

I really love the AquaBlue special (white;11000k). amazing! :whistle:whistle:whistle

Thanks to Aquamarine to bring such wonderful product. :peace::peace::peace:

Heard the tube can last up to 20 months?!?! :angel:

This time cannot be wrong already, the person who wins the tank of the month at USA website - reef central used all ATI T5.

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Sure  you can use all  T5  bulbs  so long time no probs  ATI tells in Germany the first year that you can use it 5 Years long .

Try it  and check after 6 month  then we talked again  ok ;-)

Greetings Claude

there are reefers in SG who uses the tubes for 18 months or more before changing them. :yeah:

Should you be commenting on a competitor's product??? :heh:

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I received one and a half year old tubes from bro JC85 about six months ago, and used them for two months or so, and they gave great illumination and sps colouration still. i changed them out for the D & Ds when they came in, as i was thinking id probably get better results with the new D & D but i feel that that hasnt been the case. the ATis last long, and im sure lots of other ATi users will attest to this.

If anyones keen on buying three month old D&D tubes pls pm me ya. :P



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20 months!!! Sure or not? Any ATI user can verify? I always thought that there is a need to change the bulb yearly or worst every 6 months. If it is true, then WOW!!!

I saw the tank using the 20 month old ATI, the SPS are stunning.

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Hi Mr Claude

i've also seen the tank full of sps using ATI tubes which are at least 18 months old......there are more local tanks that shows good result using ATI...

No company will inform potential buyer on the short for of their product and that includes ATI...However results had shown that ATI is really a very good tube....Life example is everywhere jus do a search.......

Can you provide us with some links on the

There is no technical posibility that the Spectrum will be stabil so long time you can read this at the website of the most well know producers of T5 lamps
to substantiate your point...



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Hi Daniel

I talked about all T5 Tubes and not only from the Ati tubes , and i never said that the tubes are not good ;)

as sample you can read this on the website of your supplier ;-)

I try to explain the normal aquarists that the lifetime of the tubes can be veryyyyyy long but the staibility of the spectra is not so long.

You are right that i see also some tanks which runs with differnent tubes longer than 2 years. But see the tank after changing the bulbs.

All the manufactures shows nice Tanks with using their tubes

they never show tanks which will not running very well ;-)

You know why ? Light is a important part but only a part of a succesful reef.

The most people here know very well how different the light looks if you change them latest 12 month .

And this what is important

Dear Daniel

I´am not here to push or to talk only about lights and discuss about which tube is the best or not

In germany i write till 6 years in the biggest online community as an moderator and this i do not because i make commercial of my products.

I find this Forum it looks very nice i like your really nice Town that i visit so often time that is the reason why i write here

So i hope you understand my intention to be here :-)

Many greetings Claude

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Hi Daniel

I talked about all T5 Tubes and not only from the Ati tubes , and i never said that the tubes are not good ;)

as sample you can read this on the website of your supplier ;-)

I try to explain the normal aquarists that the lifetime of the tubes can be veryyyyyy long but the staibility of the spectra is not so long.

You are right that i see also some tanks which runs with differnent tubes longer than 2 years. But see the tank after changing the bulbs.

All the manufactures shows nice Tanks with using their tubes

they never show tanks which will not running very well ;-)

You know why ? Light is a important part but only a part of a succesful reef.

The most people here know very well how different the light looks if you change them latest 12 month .

And this what is important

Dear Daniel

I´am not here to push or to talk only about lights and discuss about which tube is the best or not

In germany i write till 6 years in the biggest online community as an moderator and this i do not because i make commercial of my products.

I find this Forum it looks very nice i like your really nice Town that i visit so often time that is the reason why i write here

So i hope you understand my intention to be here :-)

Many greetings Claude

Mr Claude,

My greeting to you. My respect also to you being distributor of german product which I only believe in.

However, it will be great for us to learn about your intention about posting here. It will be fantistic if you are here for educating the public, making friends or sharing and exchanging reefing ideas.

But it rather seems to me that athough you had not yet defend or clear the mess for your so call distributor (Dr Evil - whom had been "silented") has made, you obviously trying to plant some negative idea about ATI.

My advise to you is that, ATI has a very good reputation here. You should concentrate more on improving or enhancing your product rather than putting down others to make yourself look good. This is not the correct business ethic.

Another advise, be wise on choosing your distributor.. (we all know what I mean. . )


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Not one thematik will be so emotional discuss also in germany that the discussion about


I don´t read that anybody says that a tube from an competitor will be bad or not good

i only read that some tubes will be not so bad that some "producer" will shown the last year´s we have here in germany a lot of this disussions.

I cannot understand whats so difficult to understand that

light is maybe 20 % of the success to the way of a nice Reef ,

20 % are the products and 60 % the feeling We say here in germany reefkeping is like cooking you can have all receipts and a very nice kitchen .... but this garantees not that the cook can cook a good meal .

One tube is brighter the other little bit blueish one has much more intension in growing and other more in Lumen.

All normal reefers cannot understand the difficult of light measuring and the interpretation of this.

and iám sure nobody is interessting in this

The reefers are interesting to get nice colors and a bright lamp

for a good amount. thats all

At the moment we have a change on the market

Ati let produce at a new producer and a new tube is coming from Narva

I also cannot understand why the discussionis so emotional an agressiv

this are only tubes small glass tubes with little bit chemicals inside and much to expensiv

So if you look on both tube you have the company which produced the Ati lamps long time with a new tube ... and another also wellknown company which make the well known tube new.

So two new thinks nobody knows anything about this but a lot of people discuss about thinks that they did not understand ;-) or get informations filtered by the supplier.

In this case it is correct to say that a new lamp is 20 % stronger if you measure the Lumen so this is also the reason why it looks brighter light and had stronger emmisions in the part green to red.

it is also correct that you can not see only the lumen or PAR both are not 100 % correct to see if a tube is good for corals or not. Lumen an Par is for industrial and technical using to measuere light and will be use by a lot of company´s

in the world.

So there is only one which can say if a tube is good or not and this are the corals and the costumers which use it not more but not less

so i will try to get some pictures in a few weeks then i can also show some tanks which are running whith the new tubes.

I want to wait some weeks till the first tubes are 6 month running over the tanks.

I come here in this forum and i did not hide me under a wrong name which nobody knows

so i play honest open and fair

I hope others will do this also

i hope my english is good enough to explain what my intension is

if not i try again :-)

many greetings and have a good night Claude

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Thank you for all your explainations but as much as i can and had read your above message 5times. I still cant understand what you mean. My english is also not too powerful. C6 for "O" level.

Hope you can explain in more layman terms.

Thanks. Thanks

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Hi Claude,

Your English is good enough for us.

I am sadden by the fact that your are trying to wriggle your way here.

First you mentioned that T5 lights can only last about 6 months.

Then you state it is difficult to measure light and it usefulness in our hobby.

Now you claimed that your lights is 20% brighter than your competitor when it is new.

What are you implying?

Personally I feel that you are not implying anything but just to distract us from the actual issue of a dishonest merchant hiding among us.

You mentioned you are not hiding behind another name, I applaud you on that. But are you sure your Singapore rep is not hiding among us?

When I surf your German forum and your website, I used to hold you with high esteem. But now...... sigh.....

P.S. Your rep is not the only one surfing German sites, please dun think that all Singaporean do not understand German.

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Hi Mr Claude,

ATI is not here to defend your claims.....Do you think it's fair!!!

Afterall we only have your side of the story......

Anyway, you choice of a distributor is definitely wrong. His character is as low as a sole (shoe) will be.

Since you had been working as moderator in the BIGGEST FORUM i don't think you'd be intersted in a small forum like this. I believed your dishonourable distributor led you here to show your presence......

I'll let you in on something your Despicable distributor wouldn't...Before he went to you, he tried ATI, D&D and even tried to bring in some china bulbs to name his brand...If he was successful, i don't think you'll be facing the fire now...

Why don't you invite him into this discussion, try it and you'll know wat's his reaction (if there is any)

Oh...one last thing.....Even if you register with another nick, it wouldn't be difficult to detect....

Cheers and You have a Good Night too.

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