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Aqua Science T5


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  • SRC Member

its good that u bought this to our attention as me was thinking of buying 8tubes of this..think i have to wait and see first.....

I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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  • SRC Member

The peaks indicate the strongest colour components in the light produced by the tubes. In this case, there are 3 main spikes, indicating that there are 3 major components of lights being produced: Blue, Green and Red. The height of the spikes indicate the intensity of the various components. If you mix the 3 primary colours :Blue, Green and Red, you get white light. However, if the blue component is stronger, then you get a bluish tint to the light. This is what we are familiar with as 12000K,14000K or 20000K lights.

I guess the question here is that the height of the 3 spikes do not correspond to one another when you compare between the two charts. It is obvious that while both charts indicate a very strong blue component, the strength of the other two components do not match.

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  • SRC Member
Can someone explain in layman's term the significant of the peaks?

Let me have the honour,

The Y axis in both charts shows the relative intensity. One chart is in units of 100s while the other is in 200s.

The first charts shows the green spectrum in the 800 region while the second chart depicts close to 1K.

For the red spectrum, the first chart is around 450/500 while the second chart is around 650.

Pls note that the charts are taken from Mr DE's site and not produced by me. I merely explain the differences in both charts.

Hope this helps.....


Btw, in case you are not aware do check this thread out for another good tube arriving our land soon..ATI T5

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I think now cannot access liao...... hmmmmmm...... :unsure:

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  • SRC Member

So the conclusion is Aqua Science is better than ATI. Is DE selling ATI too? If not, I would think he is not in the right position to make such comment. Any bro here has used AS before? So who is selling ATI now?

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  • SRC Member

hi guys, id be dead keen to find out a local source for ATi tubes too, so if anyone hears word about them, please kindly pm me ya.

actually, i read about narva producing the ATi tubes on RC, but to claim the aqua science tubes as 20% stronger is quite a big claim. by 20% stonger, dr evil, by what measures do you come to that conclusion? spectrum alone does not denote light intensity. the graphs are all relative, that is, one spectrum in relation to another, whereas more indicative measures of light intensity would be lumens and PPFD or PAR. if the aqua science tubes just match the ATis (dont need to be better), im sure alot of bros who have used ATi previously will be excited and keen to make purchases.

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  • SRC Member

He locked the graph leow..Fear not i have aleady saved a copy of it....we can continue to discuss this if reefers are interested....if you wants to see the graph...jus PM me hor....

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