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this woman should be killed


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  • SRC Member

That place don't look like singapore leh. :blink: This bitch will not have a good ending. :evil:

6x2.5x2.5 (GEO AQUATIC)

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  • SRC Member

Not real lah.

First, if the lady loves cats, won't happen. If the lady hates cats, won't see her holding it.

Most importantly, which lady dressed in those nice blue shoes with stockings to protect the legs would risk dirtying her shoes to do that.

Just doesn't make sense.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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My guess is that if it's not photoshopped the cat was already dead to begin with. Simply because the cat did'nt even appear to put up a struggle. No scratches on the woman's leg is there?

Always something more important than fish.


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wtf....she really deaserve to be eaten by a great white,well lyk some of u said its an edit pic....it well may b truth coz the cat looks lyk dosen't struggle tat much.....or the kitten is to weak...or the bit*h enjoy killing an animal...who knoes.....

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  • SRC Member

When i see the picture i feel like stepping on HER FACE AND SQUEEZING HER EYEBALLS OUT!


3.5 X 2.5 X 2.5 Reef Coming up :))




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  • SRC Member

:sick::sick::sick: kill her!!! she does not deserved to live... pull out both her hands and legs, skin her!! then slowly squash her head!!! bastard!!!

hope she burn in hell in the hot oil

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  • SRC Member

i believe the kitten was alive before being crushed..

see the first pic.. the lady was playing with the naive kitten to win its trust .. and she position the kitten to lie on the floor.. maybe the kitten was thinking that the lady might want to give it a little scratch? (cat will only do this when they are comfortable with the ppl)

who knows in the end got poke by heels to death?? the kitten was caught off-guard before it can retaliate lah.... i suppose... my 2 cts

i think the lady should be from *hi*a ...

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