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I am Miss. Nadia Adams Joseph, 20yrs of age, a Tutsi in Republic of Rwanda and the only daughter of late Mr. Joseph Adams one of the reachest farmar in my country.

Before the death of my father he disclosed to me that he deposited a huge amount of money in a suspense account with one of the prime bank here in Abidjan. Because of political problems here, my late father strictly instructed the bank to transfer this money to any foreign trustee of my choice.

So I want you to please assist me stand as my nominated foreign trustee so that the bank will transfer the fund to your account or any fresh account you will open specially for this transaction and assist me relocate to your country to continue a new life and further my education. This money was meant for the importation of machineries for his coffee processing plant for a company which he wanted to establish in Abidjan – Cote d'Ivoire. But since I have no experience or interest in this type of business he advised me to seek a reliable and trust worthy business partner who will assist me to invest the funds in any meaningful lucrative business in your country because this is my only hope in life.

You shall be entitled to a significant portion of the fund which will be deliberated upon your acceptance to this offer.

Thanks for your kind attention and expected positive response and get back to me.

Yours Sincerely,

Nadia Adams J

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  • SRC Member

Lol he should be a writer instead ...

his books will become the best seller in teh whole world

I am Miss. Nadia Adams Joseph, 20yrs of age, ....

maybe you help him lor ,, then she will be willing to marry you lol :D

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there's a whole website about these cons...not sure what they call them...419 or 416 cons....and they have people who actually have the time to xiao kian these people to disturb them, it's all on the website

this guy even received a painting from one of the underpaid but brilliant artists in nigeria.

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