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who can be so cruel to this dog???


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  • SRC Member

It's like monkey see, monkey do scenario. They see someone else or friends who have a dog, they also follow purchasing one. Later at home when the animal is not toilet trained or bark non-stop, they started hitting at them or worse keep in the store or something. When it smell too bad, they dumped them.

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  • SRC Member

wtf sia cage the dog till its muscle become so weak... btw where is jalan malu malu?? even the place it live in name so weird... really malu to have this kind of ppl in singapore...

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  • SRC Member

People often forget that a pet is a lifetime commitment. A dog can easily live up to 10-15 years. You are fully responsible for the dog's well-being, i.e. provide food, shelter, & love, pay medical expenses etc.

Often, if the pet outgrows the "cute stage", they are chucked aside like a cast away toy. It really disgusts me that some people just aren't fit to keep pets. :pirate: They really don't deserve the joys of keeping a pet.

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  • SRC Member
People often forget that a pet is a lifetime commitment. A dog can easily live up to 10-15 years. You are fully responsible for the dog's well-being, i.e. provide food, shelter, & love, pay medical expenses etc.

Often, if the pet outgrows the "cute stage", they are chucked aside like a cast away toy. It really disgusts me that some people just aren't fit to keep pets. :pirate: They really don't deserve the joys of keeping a pet.


ppl that keeping pets because of the "cuteness" will generally cause these problems.

And I really distaste and discourage ppl for such purpose, aquarium is one of them.

For me, its the fascination about seeing something live in a mini world in my home. Oceanic live forms are mystery and always engulfing me, probably watch too much National Geography.

If I got chance, I would like to pet a dog as well. Seeing that these animals kind of having a special bond with the ppl is very aspiring. Like having your "bro" or "sis", the only concern and bad thing I perceived is "potong" them, to cause them unable to breed. To me this is cruel also.... well, maybe there should be something like a dog-condom like the market..... LOL (serious-lah)

"cuteness" fantasy not really applicaple onto pets only, look closely, its happened in ourself toward others ppl as well.

Like you like/chase/pick your gf/wife because she's cute/beautiful/######, eventually this element will faded out. That's the time problem will start.

So, let's grow out of these addiction of "cuteness-fantasy". One should only can fool around with them before adulthood (like your teddy bear, not me :P )


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  • SRC Member

If I got chance, I would like to pet a dog as well. Seeing that these animals kind of having a special bond with the ppl is very aspiring. Like having your "bro" or "sis", the only concern and bad thing I perceived is "potong" them, to cause them unable to breed. To me this is cruel also.... well, maybe there should be something like a dog-condom like the market..... LOL (serious-lah)


"potong" the dog is not cruelty..u potong female dog to prevent them from getting Womb cancer which is on the high side for the dogs.. and as for male dogs...ppl potong them to prevent unnecessary puppies that will suffer due to insufficient care.

hope that u don find "potong" cruel and btw...dogs are smart..we can invent Dogs condom but do u think the dogs will use be smart enuff to use them...

we, humans have condoms but there are still lots of unwanted babies. We can make a diff. Dogs have basic instinct (######) thus its better to potong them to prevent future problems unless we are prepare to breed them..btw...dogs breeding is never a simple job..there's cullings just like breeding fishes.... Breeding can be cruel too...bring a weak life in the world to suffer yet u have to potong the weak life Doghood (manhood) thus cannot continue this #$!#$! root.

2 cents

I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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  • SRC Member

It is very cruel and irresponsible to just leave the dogs to rot!!!!!! :sick:

Having used to own 3 dogs, now 2.

Dogs like our reef needs care. Like human, they have sickness and bad habit. Abandonment is common, if no adoption is available. 2 of my dogs are adopted. Adopted dog has problems, from experience.

These are the common diseases:

1. Chronic skin disease - due to incompatible weather.

2. Bad breath/odour - genetic I guess.

3. Under weight - choosy eater

Common Habit:

1. Bit stuff

2. Not toilet trained

3. Eat shit and licks urine (Really eats), thats how some dogs clean their home.

By far, diseased dog cost far more than to buy another dog. Every visit to vet cost 50SGD per visit. Queue at clinic is at least 1 hr. Nursing them back to health is labor intensive. Choosy eater will lost weight over time.

One example of my pass on maltese, he is choosy eater, with chronic skin problem, bony to the skin. Skin problem was resolved by a ausie vet that I find very professional, but being a choosy eater, vet recommend to try different food, but to no avail. I even boil mince meat to bring up his appetite. Later I visited the vet again when the skin problem resurface, it was relocated but I dun know where. Other vet did not help much. Soon the maltese became bony when he is 10 yo. He pass on at the age of 16yo, I were very sad for unable to do more. Til death do us part...

If you guys judge the appearance of my maltese, I would be brand cruety to dogs. Looking at the other 2 dogs, you may think otherwise.

Being a pet lover like anyone of you, we condemn ppl for doing such inhumane things. We are limited in resources and time for any kind of intensive care for diseased pets, many a time a vet will recommend putting the pet to sleep. I have chosen to stick to my dog thru sickness thru death for 5 years (years that maltese became weak).

So what is ur choice when dog is sick?? Pick one??

1. Abadonment

2. Put to sleep

3. Til death do us part but dun know when...

4. Hopeful someone will adopt?

Let be realistic, choice 3 is the most right thing to do but look at the SPCA and you know many did not chose that.


30G Corner Tank with 10G Sump, 2 x 24W artinic T5, 1 x 24W 10K, 1x 24W 20K, 3" Grade 0 sand & Live rocks, Activated Carbon, Bio-home, 2 x Seio M620, Hailea 1/2HP Chiller, Redsea Pro Skimmer

Live Stock:

Turbo Snail x 1, Green Mandarin Dragonet X 2, Blue Tang X 2, True percular x 2, 1 x Algae Bleenie, Clarke clown x 2


1 x 2" Blue maxima, Red/Brown/Purple Mushroom (Discosoma), Pink Ricordea yuma, A little colony Brown/Green common Zoanthus, Red/Pink/Green US Zoanthus, Eagle-eye Zoathus, 14 Branch Goniopora Pandoraensis, 1 Starburst Polyps, 3 + 2 Branch Frogspawn, 4 Blasto, palythoa, Cheato

RIPs (Since June 2005):

1. Sabae clown (KO by Clarke clown) 2. 1 branch melted frogspawn 4 branch 3. Golden maxima (Ripe the base off rock by me) 4. Algae Bleenie x 2 (Starvation) 5. Blue Maxima x 1, 2 x Maxima, 1 x frogspawn, rics (Overtemp...)

Old 30G Corner Tank.

Restarted 30G Corner Tank.

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  • SRC Member

To me , when one decided to buy a dog , dun buy it because it is cute

but buy it because you have decided to treat it as a part of family

Even when the dog is sick , dun think of saving money and count

how much you left if you will to bear the medical cost

For example , we as human .. just for a minor flu or fever ..

cant wait to go and see Dr and get well soon

not to mention a dog who is smaller then us , so when it get sick

you think can the dog bear the suffering?

There is one such a real case whereby when one person empty her

whole entire pocket money jsut to provide for the dog and spent her

night sleeping with the dog outside just ebcause AVA dun approve the dog

breed in HDB

If one not willing to parts its money just to give the dog a good life

or bring the dog to see a vet when it fall sick :angry:

Then i think it is better not to buy or keep any dog at all

Rem : humans have an average life span of 70 but dogs only have

10 to 15 years.. dun make them suffer if you are not willing to love them

with your whole heart :angry:

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  • SRC Member

No need that drastic lah.

In reality, we likely will treat our beloved (ppl) difference than the pet.

Hardly ppl will really sell house sell car to treat a pet, but its likely for family. :)

as long as one treat the pet with good heart -love-, that's the primary force. got problem then go foruming again loh. Sure there's ton of dog-lovers...

love also got many levels leh....


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