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clown need a home


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  • SRC Member

hi all.....

i have a pair of percula clown....

and i need to find a "home"(coral) for them to stay there all the time.......

cos currently they r all over my tank disturbing all the other corals... and cause them not to open fully...

the "home"...must open during light on and light off....(so bubble and hammer cannot)

the "home" must be easy to keep....(so amemones cannot....)

im thinking of Elegance...... but i dont think they r easy to keep right?

anyone can help me to find them a home?

thanks alot!

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  • SRC Member
Hrmz, my hammer is hosting my percs...and luckily it doesnt seem stressed by thier movement around it. What kind of other corals do you have in your tank?

yep i relise that alot of people r using hamme rto host their clown.... however when the hammer is close.....

will those clown go and disturt other coral?....

im keeping blasto, zoo, starpops, mustroom.... etc...

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  • SRC Member

I have a maroon clown and a false perc living in a hammer and a skunk clown living in a torch. Both corals don't seem upset at all.

Seems no problems at all.

Real reefs don't have glass bottoms....(...think about it)

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  • SRC Member
I have a maroon clown and a false perc living in a hammer and a skunk clown living in a torch. Both corals don't seem upset at all.

Seems no problems at all.

hmmm maybe i should whole on a while and see what happen next.... maybe after a while my coral r use to those 2 clown ?.... :)

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