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boxer spawning!!


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  • SRC Member

I would suggest the most important and crucial thing to do first is to get them out of your main display and seperate them into a tank with the same water they came from but without any filtration, cos if not they will be all suck in....... and by the way fishes and corals will eat them too.

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I heard that it is nearly impossible to let them spawn successfully. Most of the time the eggs will end up as food for fish and corals. I used to have a pair of boxers and she kept spawning. Green eggs!

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

well guess what ??

round 2 spawning exercise :cry:

dunno wat to do..

maybe get august to ###### my place and let him keep them with his fries

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • SRC Member

to anyone who is interested in culturing blue legged banded boxer shrimps

My boxers (the shrimps!) :lol: has been spawning on a regular basis .. very sad to see the larvae becoming victims of the filter, skimmer and fish ..

If you're interested please let me know so I can put them into a container and pass them to you .. every hatching around 100+ larvae .. gone in a nite


they only spawn when I turn on the moonlight.. (or maybe then I can see them :P)

they only spawn when there's about 1 week of moonlight (sometimes I forget)

they only spawn around 1am to 2am (when I come home on nite shift) looks like dirty water .. alot of glowing spots floating in the water ..

they spawn once every month .. or 2 ..

very wasteful .. and I'd love to see them grow big .. :( .. my next one spawning is my blue throats :( remind me about pairing next time .. sigh ..

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