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NorthEast Soccer Team for Reefers


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  • SRC Member

Hi Guys was thinking to form up a soccer team, anyone interested? Preferably does stay at NorthEast side.... if interested pls down your name and nick and details as below; Leisure, Sports and Fun at the same time keep us fit. On certain time will organised a friendly match with other teams. Trainning/Playing ground will be at open field at Buangkok Cres...

Name: SRC Nick:


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  • SRC Member

Let me be the NO 1. hehehe

Name: sunny

Age: 26

Position Played: Use to be LB but as size/weight increase become GK

Occupation: shipping

Contact: Pm me lol

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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  • SRC Member

I don't stay at Northeast but go there almost every weekend. Looking for some exercise.

Name: Chris

Age: 30+

Position Played: Midfield (L/R)

Occupation: Civil servant

Contact: As long as sunny gets the news I will get the news.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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  • SRC Member

Well, well....if u looking for a ronaldo, robinho...u look for the right person liao....:P (* like real only)

Name: Wil_lee76

Age: 29

Position Played: Midfield / defender (L)

Occupation: Retail line

Contact: PM me.

is it accessible from lorong ah soo to buangkok cresc???? hope its not far manzzz.......:D

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  • SRC Member

hey guys, have you heard of the all nite indoor soccer place at kallang, near the stadium? how about we go by there sometime for a game man? im really keen to play, but the north east is quite far to travel by day, so night is best for me, and furthermore, my skills no good, so on field, even worse. haha :P/

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  • SRC Member
I don't stay at Northeast but go there almost every weekend. Looking for some exercise.

Name: Chris

Age: 30+

Position Played: Midfield (L/R)

Occupation: Civil servant

Contact: As long as sunny gets the news I will get the news.

hahaha can you still run with the big tummy hahhaha

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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  • SRC Member

maybe can start with street soccer first ahaha know that there is a court at pounglo 21 that area

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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  • SRC Member

yeah bro, do let me know early leh...cos maybe quite tied up with appointment this weekend. I dun mind playing at court and field too...BUT if court, can someone sponsor me a indoor soccer boots??!!?!?! :P

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  • SRC Member

Was thinking to arrange for a kick at the open field along Buangkok Green in the morning at the open field i will put a small goal post.... around 9am - 11am... got a few reefer friend joinin too... it will be better if played on the field as it will get you familiarise with the grounds... coz i intend to arrange for a friendly in the mid of next months when everything is organised.... :)

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