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More reefers giving up hobby ?


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  • SRC Member

i also notice that many older reefers are giving up the hobby

and nowdays not much life in the forum , last time very happening one

maybe all busy dating or planning to get marry lol

so no time for reefing lar

correct me if i am wrong

hope reefing will not become like bubble tea trend


I think a lot of ppl giving up reefing due to lack of money or

gf or wife or family #$@#$@#$ constant nagging lol

Maybe we will hold a ceremony to give out medal to those who

have been reefing more then 5 years or so

lol like SAF long service award :yeah:

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  • SRC Member

I personnally felt that, when a reefer comes to forum, learnt and shared knowledge. But there's a time where due to work committment, family matters (be it new wife(haha) new gf, new born babies) etc.

Maybe due to the above or some other committment which a reefer does not have the time to come to forums.

And could due to it's time to move on, gain enough basic knowledge for a basic tank, happy with the current tank and have not gone to the next stage for more difficult corals/fish.


Tank: 5 X 2 X 2.5

Sump : 3 X 1.5 X 1.8

Tunze 6060

Tunze TF08

Oceanrunner 6500

Deltec AP 902 Protein Skimmer

I-Aquatic Calcium Reactor

Arctica Chiller

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  • SRC Member

personally for myself, I learnt a lot for all of you. I have enjoyed the experiences of starting, keeping and maintaining a tank. Of course I may not advance to the next stage (keeping SPS etc, having a 4ft etc) I believe that due to cost, commitment to the fishes and responsibilities of family and everything, so so far I will stay happy where I am.

But I am willing to stay in this forum as longer as I can, to contribute my experiences to other beginners so that they can gain and have a good experiences in keeping a marine tank.

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