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Orange star dropping arms


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Had an orange linka star that was fine for a couple of months ...

(crawling around the tank)

Then all of a sudden it attached itself to right near the rain bar and started dropping arms !! first bits then chunks ....

I don't have a chiller and my nitrate is high but everything else seems fine ....

Any idea ?

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ya starfish is wasting away...ie dying...

i will remove the rotting arms as they will further contribute to ya nitrates...really doubt the remaing arms will survive...believe they will rot after a while...

such starfish r sensitive to poor water conditions...

sorry.. :(

I'm gonna break the cycle

I'm gonna shake up the system

I'm gonna destroy my ego

I'm gonna close my body now

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I am having the same problem now. :cry2: I presume my water parameters are all in almost top condition cos every other LS and corals in the tanks are thriving.

Until this afternoon when i came home i notice one of it's arms was rotting but still attached to it's main body. Also there are white intestine-like stuffs sticking out from the rotting arm. :sick:

Also i notice my orange star fish is always in a curled backwards position (i.e exposing his mouth). Even after many attempts to correct his position by flipping it over. Could it be the slightly strong water flow?

This star fish has been in my tank for 4 days as of me writing this post.

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u need a really slow acclimatization process...for all starfishes especially the linkias...

certain sites will recommend drip-acclimatization....

and of course they are best placed in matured tanks...as it has been claimed that they eat film algae...

however...i do recall a long time ago...my orange linkia ate mysis shrimp!

exposing its mouth is one thing they do to eat their food...but curled backwards? nvr experienced it myself....but there r so many factors that can cost their deaths...like slight injuries which may develop to fungai infection...etc etc

4 days is just about the window timeframe for them to be introduced into a tank and slowly bit by bit waste away....

sorrie about ya lost!

I'm gonna break the cycle

I'm gonna shake up the system

I'm gonna destroy my ego

I'm gonna close my body now

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